Y/N pov*
Having just debuted this year my rookie group and I. The six of us were working hard, trying to get a name for ourselves competing with the big boys and girls. Putting extra time in the dance studio, vocal lessons and some media training. It was taking a toll and it was tiring, but so worth it for the buzz and the hype that we get to have with the crowd at shows.People were already praising us for our stage presence and dance skills, many were throwing out 'monster rookie'. It was amazing, knowing you have put in the effort, then see your fanbase slowly grow.
Right now we are currently at a music bank promoting our 2nd title track (*song name)* alongside a few experienced groups and artists. Luckily to our surprise we were up for nomination for first place, but it was against Twice the nations girl group. Just to be put against them is pride in itself, I didn't have to much confidence in getting the win.
We performed our song with great intensity, really trying to show off. Exhausted coming off the stage heading back to our dressing room we passed Twice in the corridor they too heading out for their song. Wow.
We haven't seen them in person before but I knew Chaeyoung a little bit, as we had couple of things in common.
The nine goddesses, I was taken aback with their visual beauty in person, so much so I kind of zoned out. When I got nudged by my member Yeji. Realising they were all bowing and saying polite hellos. I apologised, they didn't mind they were all so kind and probably used to people feeling a little overwhelmed around them."Ahh sorry, its just we have never seen you in person before, it's an honour to be nominated along side our sunbaes. I am Y/N leader of *group name*" I stated.
"Awww this one's cuteee." Nayeon affectionately said.
The group chuckled a little agreeing with Nayeon, a small blush crept on my cheeks. "Don't worry, it's okay Y/N-ssi. You will get used to everything soon. You guys did good out there!" Jihyo their leader encouraged, also beaming that sunshine smile my way.
I bowed again my heart was going crazy "OH thank you so much. Have fun out there, FIGHTING! see ya Chaeyoungie." I replied. Our groups went opposite ways.After chilling a little in the dressing room, grabbing some snacks and a little rest while watching Twices performance. I went for a wander looking for some more snacks also I was getting nervous so i wanted a distraction. Heading out and along the corridor to a vending machine, I noticed someone familiar already there deciding what to get.
I reached my destination and find it is Nayeon. Alright keep calm.
"Ahh hello again, Nayeon unnie." I called out.
She turned to me and smiled with her bunny teeth "Well if it isn't the cute leader of *group name*." Nayeon cooed. I was blushing again. Can it stop I was super cool and girl crush on stage, I'm a mess off it. Nayeon chuckled again at my dismay, clearly enjoying my state and opened her purse. "Aiishh, ofcourse I forgot my card." I heard her mumble in disdain.
"I can get it for you, don't worry about it. Its a long walk back to the room." I offered.
"Are you sure?.... Look at you being all generous. My little junior to the rescue." She said for dramatic effect giggling.
"Thank you though, I will take you up on that offer. I don't want to push it, but I promised to get Jihyo something too..." Nayeon hesitantly said rubbing the back of her head.
I just brightly smiled at her shaking my head. "It's just a vending machine, it's not like you asking me to buy her a whole 3 course meal." I joked. Standing in front of the vending machine I pressed the buttons for numerous snacks that we wanted, paid and handed over the ones Nayeon and Jihyo wanted. "Thanksss Y/N-ssi, I owe you.....maybe Jihyo can repay you with a three course meal hahaha!" She happily threw out walking away back to her groups dressing room.I made my way back, feeling content with our little interaction. Least I redeemed myself.
*Twice dressing room*
Nayeon rocked back up to her group dressing room also with a wry smile on her face. "Well.... didn't I forget my card! BUT guess who came to the rescue....our precious little leader of the rookie group!.... By the way Jihyo you owe her a three course meal." Nayeon teased Smirking.
Jihyo had perked up at what Nayeon had said.
"Yahh unnie, what are you talking about!? What have you been up too. Aiishh." Jihyo groaned.
"Jihyo by now you should know how well I know you. I wouldn't exactly say you were subtle about checking her out. You too Sana! Your eyes are primal." Nayeon shot back laughing loudly.
"Sorry unnie you know I got to keep up my rep" Sana exclaimed casually.
"Oh actually, Chaeyoung-a since when did you know Y/N?" Jihyo questioned.
"Ohhh....ummmm for a little while now unnie, we text every now and then. We interacted on one of my Vlives and got talking, we have a few things in common." Chae answered smiling with her cute dimples.
"Oh yeah like what?" Momo interjected.
"Hmmmm....some things are between us, sorryyyy....not sorryyyy." Chaeyoung baited.
"Uggghh you are no fun Chaengie" Momo whined. Jihyo was sitting mulling over the exchange that had taken place, she was certainly now more intrigued with the other groups leader.

Twitzy one shots (Twice/Itzy X Reader)
FanficOne shot book G x G Reader x Member Smut Some trigger warnings ( will be put at start of the relating chapter) Random one shot book relating to Twice or Itzy members. I am not a writer, I do this for fun. This is literally somewhere to store my rand...