Momo - Youth pt2

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Here is part 2, don't come at me for geographical facts just go with it for the sake of the oneshot please 😂😅 Also don't know 100% if that's what Momos parents are called 🤷🏼‍♀️ anyways enjoy.


It had been a couple of weeks since Momo mentioned about her parents potentially meeting Y/n. The thought kept crossing Y/n mind it was an inevitability and routine part of a progressing relationship, which even though they were still young, she was sure she wanted to go through all the milestones with Momo.

Momo had nailed her mid-term dance and received high praise for her work, celebrating by putting herself in a food coma.

She too was excited to introduce Y/n to her parents. There was an upcoming break at college which meant the perfect opportunity to take Y/n back home to Japan.

There was a week to go before break came and the couple decided to jump in and book tickets to fly over to Japan.

Currently Y/n, Momo and their friends were sitting in the quad, that included Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Sana. There was a soft breeze and the sun would keep peeking out behind the fluffy white clouds as they travelled through the sky. It was a pleasant day for gathering, chatting and doing some work.

Momo and Y/n ofcourse sitting beside each other shoulder to shoulder on the wooden bench tables, Sana was beside Momo on the other side and Nayeon, Chaeyoung in the opposite side. Books strewn across the table, Momo was doodling on paper as her work was basically finished for this semester.

While she was letting her imagination run free, Y/n sneakily drew in the corner of the page, waiting a small amount of time before she noticed. She quietly eyed the illustration which read:

Hirai Momo owns Y/ns <3

The black haired woman tilted her head up to glance at Y/n with an superior expression and smirk, throwing a kissing motion with with her lips towards Y/n who's face had a fond smile while their eyes lingered on one another silently.

"We booked our flights for Japan." The black haired girl announced returning to her paper, not looking up from her masterpiece.

"That's so exciting! It's been a while since you've been back home." Nayeon exclaimed as Sana darted her eyes to the side. "Ahhh I was wondering if you had committed to going or not. Actually if you don't mind can I tag along? I think I'm going to go home and see my family too!"

"Oh sure Satang! Our flight, its Friday evening?.......I think it's the 6.30pm one.....right babe?" Momo replied happily gently nudging her girlfriend.

"Yup that's the one." Y/n cooly smiled

"Cool, I will book it right now." Sana pulled out her phone tapping away on it.

"Nervous about meeting the future in laws Y/n?" Nayeon teased smirking and then scribbled something down.

"Very much so.....I speak broken Japanese and I don't want to look like an unworthy partner or make an idiot of myself." Y/n chuckled awkwardly seeing the funny side, hearing Y/n words Momo softly placed her hand on Y/ns thigh comfortingly which she appreciated.

"God I want to see that!" Chaeyoung piped in.

"Nobody wants to see that Chaeng." Y/n responded already cringing at the thought, which made the others chuckle. "So what are you two doing then now that we know Sana will be joining us?" Y/n added.

"Probably not alot really, it's not an important break so just chill out and I'm sure there will be a couple of parties maybe." Nayeon answered shrugging.

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