Vol11, The Brotherhood

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Chp-1, Magneto's Arrival

The storm raged outside, mirroring the turmoil within Westby Central Station. Tigerman, his fur bristling with static electricity, slammed his fist against the departures board, the once-bright display now a web of flickering sparks.

"Magneto in Westby? Makes about as much sense as a snowstorm in July!" He growled, frustration echoing in the cavernous hall.

Beside him, Carbon Spider adjusted his mask, a sheen of nervous sweat clinging to his brow. "Stranger things have happened, Tiger. But the question is, why?"

Illyana, her crimson cloak swirling around her, paced the deserted concourse. A premonition, sharp and icy, gnawed at her. Magneto wasn't known for subtlety, and his presence in Westby reeked of something far more sinister.

"There's something else here," she muttered, her voice tight. "Something... darker."

A cloaked figure materialized from the shadows, their form blurring at the edges. Ghostmaker, silent as ever, gestured towards a flickering security feed. The grainy image showed Magneto, his face contorted in a strange mix of focus and pain, manipulating a complex control panel in a deserted warehouse district.

"He's not alone," Ghostmaker rasped, their voice distorted by their helmet. "There are others. And they're... different."

The feed flickered, then died. A heavy silence descended upon the group. The heroes of Westby, a motley crew forged in the fires of shared experience, had faced demons, rogue scientists, and interdimensional threats. But a possessed Magneto, controlled by... what? It was uncharted territory.

Before anyone could voice their anxieties, a thunderous roar echoed outside. A colossal metal monstrosity, a grotesque fusion of scrap and machinery, stomped through the station's glass facade, raining down shards and debris.

"Well then," Magik drawled, a hint of dark amusement flickering in her eyes. "Looks like we're not getting any answers the easy way."

With a battle cry, Tigerman charged towards the metallic behemoth, his fists crackling with electricity. Carbon Spider, with a practiced flick of his wrist, shot a web line, scaling the creature's side with the agility of a spider. Illyana raised her Soulsword, eldritch energy crackling along the blade.

The battle raged through the station, a chaotic symphony of clashing metal, mutant power, and arcane magic. Tigerman grappled with the monstrosity, his super strength momentarily holding it back. Carbon Spider, a blur of gray and black, weaved through its metallic limbs, disrupting its movements with strategically placed energy blasts.

Illyana, her crimson cloak a whirlwind of motion, unleashed a barrage of telepathic attacks, aiming to sever the link between the creature and its unseen controller. Ghostmaker, a phantom in the shadows, moved with deadly precision, taking down any smaller metallic constructs that emerged from the wreckage.

The fight was brutal, a testament to the raw power of the creature and the unwavering determination of the heroes. But slowly, almost imperceptibly, the tide began to turn. Illyana's relentless telepathic assault weakened the control over the creature, its movements becoming sluggish and erratic. One final, combined attack from Tigerman and Carbon Spider sent the monstrosity crashing to the ground, a tangled mess of metal.

Exhausted but victorious, the heroes stood amidst the wreckage, catching their breath. The storm outside had subsided, leaving behind an eerie calm. Yet, the sense of unease remained.

"That wasn't Magneto," Illyana rasped, her voice laced with a newfound urgency. "He was... a puppet."

Ghostmaker, their visor reflecting the flickering emergency lights, nodded in agreement. "A pawn in a larger game."

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