Vol14, Exodus's Return

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Chp-1, For Oddison

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Chp-1, For Oddison

The roar of Ironclad's metallic fist colliding with Silencer's chest momentarily distracted them both. Rwik seized the opportunity. He snatched the neural amplifier from its chamber with enhanced speed and tucked it into a hidden compartment within his suit. There was no time for heroics; he needed to get the device out.

Silencer recovered quickly, his eyes burning with fury. "You think you can escape with it, Spider?" He lunged, but Rwik used his agility to weave past him, launching himself through a side window. The shattered glass rained down as he plummeted towards the ground, his mind racing with a plan.

He landed hard on a nearby rooftop, the impact sending a jolt of pain through his shoulder. He glanced up at the burning research facility, the chaos a distant inferno. Ironclad's roars echoed through the night, a monstrous soundtrack to the unfolding scene.

Silence. His heart hammered against his ribs as the seconds stretched into an agonizing eternity. Just as doubt began to creep in, a familiar voice crackled through the receiver.

"We're on our way, Rwik. Hold on!"

Relief flooded him, momentary and fragile. He knew getting out wouldn't be easy. Silencer wouldn't let him go without a fight, and the commotion might have attracted unwanted attention from Exodus forces.

He scanned the surrounding buildings, searching for an escape route. Spotting a fire escape across the alley, he propelled himself with a burst of enhanced strength and landed on the metal platform with a clang. He descended swiftly, his eyes darting between the windows below, searching for any sign of pursuit.

Just as he reached the ground, a dark figure dropped down in front of him, blocking his path. Silencer, his face twisted in a mask of rage, held a glowing blade in his hand.

"Leaving so soon, Spider?" His voice was laced "Looks like we have some unfinished business."

Rwik gritted his teeth. He couldn't afford a prolonged fight. He needed to get the neural amplifier back to Oddison, where the Bridgebuilders could analyze it and develop a way to neutralize it.

"Not today," he said, his voice low and steady. He launched himself into action, using his knowledge of the city to his advantage. He weaved through alleyways, leaping over fences, and using the shadows to his advantage. Silencer was relentless, his enhanced senses keeping him close behind.

The chase escalated, a desperate dance through the backstreets of Westby. Rwik used his agility to avoid Silencer's attacks, the assassin's blade flashing dangerously close on multiple occasions. Finally, they reached a bustling market square, their fight drawing the attention of startled civilians.

Suddenly, tires screeched and a modified van, its windows dark, slammed to a halt next to Rwik. The door slid open, and Adi's face appeared, a mix of worry and determination etched on her features.

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