Vol18, Terrible Defeat

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Chp-1, Scattered

The silence was broken only by the ragged gasps of Agent Venom and the rhythmic clanging of Tigerman's metal claws against the sterile white walls. Rwik his body throbbing with the aftereffects of the fight, navigated the maze of corridors, his enhanced senses straining for any sign of Wraith or the rest of the Bridgebuilders.

"Do you think Wraith made it out?" Tigerman rumbled, his voice laced with concern. "He took a nasty hit during the escape."

Rwik shook his head, a knot of worry tightening in his stomach. Ghostmaker's absence was another unsettling mystery. Had he been captured alongside the others, or had he escaped with them?

They continued their slow, arduous trek, the weight of their precarious situation growing heavier with each passing minute. Flash, barely conscious, clung to Tigerman's shoulder, his breathing shallow and labored.

Suddenly, a faint whirring sound echoed through the corridor, growing louder with each passing second. Rwik crouched low, a hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his now-depleted energy blade.

"What is it?" Tigerman growled, his stance shifting into a defensive crouch.

A corner ahead rounded a hulking service cart, its metallic frame concealing its contents. It moved with surprising speed, the whirring sound a mechanical hum of purpose.

Rwik's heart hammered against his ribs. Was it another Exodus patrol? Or something... else?

He raised a hand, signaling Tigerman to stop. As the cart drew closer, a figure emerged from behind it, stepping into the dim light. It was Wraith, his black armor dented and scratched, but otherwise seemingly unharmed.

Relief washed over Rwik, a wave of warmth chasing away the gnawing fear. "Wraith!" he exclaimed, his voice barely a whisper.

Wraith tilted his head, the red glow of his visor unreadable. "Took you long enough," he said, his voice distorted by the modulator.

"What happened?" Rwik asked, his gaze flitting between Wraith and the injured Agent Venom. "Where are the others?"

Wraith gestured towards a hidden compartment on the service cart. "Magik and Illyana are safe," he rasped. "But barely. They used up a lot of energy teleporting us out of there."

Rwik let out a sigh of relief. At least they were alright, for now.

"Ghostmaker?" Tigerman rumbled, ever the pragmatist. "Did you see him?"

Wraith shook his head. "Lost track of him during the escape. He went after Drakos, but..." he trailed off, a flicker of concern crossing his masked face.

The implications hung heavy in the air. Ghostmaker, the enigmatic vigilante, had vanished into the clutches of Exodus. A cold dread settled in Rwik's stomach. They had barely managed to escape themselves, and now another friend was missing.

"We need to get out of here," Wraith said, his voice urgent. "This place will be crawling with Exodus soldiers soon enough."

He gestured towards a hidden access panel on the wall, one Rwik wouldn't have noticed without his enhanced vision.

"This leads to an abandoned maintenance tunnel. It'll take us to the outskirts of the city," Wraith explained. "We can regroup and figure out our next move from there."

Without another word, Wraith hefted the unconscious Flash onto the service cart. Tigerman climbed in beside him, his eyes lingering on Rwik for a moment.

"Coming?" he asked, a gruff question that held a hint of camaraderie.

Rwik nodded, a newfound determination burning in his chest. They were battered, bruised, and outnumbered. But they were together, a ragtag band of rebels united against a common enemy.

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