Vol20, The Situationship

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Loki Earth-13

Chp-1, Returning to Oddison

The return trip to Oddison was a different experience altogether. Gone were the tense silences of their initial journey. Now, a playful banter filled the Astral Blink, Captain Cosmic's amusement bouncing off the spacecraft walls as Rwik recounted the chaos his sudden return had caused in Oddison.

"You disappeared for weeks, web-slinger," Captain Cosmic teased, her voice tinged with a hint of mock-indignation. "The entire city was thrown into a collective tizzy."

Rwik chuckled, the memory bringing a smile to his face. "Sorry for the commotion, Captain," he said, his voice warm. "But believe me, explaining 'cosmic intervention' to the city council wasn't exactly a walk in the park."

Captain Cosmic's cerulean eyes twinkled with laughter. "Sounds like you have your hands full, Carbon Spider."

A comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by the hum of the ship's engines. Rwik stole a glance at Captain Cosmic, her blue form bathed in the soft glow of the control panel. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of their partnership ending.

"So, what now?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Captain Cosmic turned to him, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Well, spider," she said, her voice a gentle caress, "the universe is vast, but apparently, so is my boredom threshold. Perhaps Oddison could use a... guardian angel... for a while."

Rwik's heart skipped a beat. "You... you'd stay?"

"Why not?" she said, her eyes twinkling. "Besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble."

A grin spread across Rwik's face. Trouble seemed inevitable with Captain Cosmic around, but a different kind of trouble, a thrilling, exhilarating one. He reached out, his hand brushing against hers. The touch sent a jolt through him, a spark of blue energy dancing between their skin.

"Seems like Oddison might have just gained more than one guardian," he replied, his voice husky with emotion.

As the Astral Blink descended towards the familiar skyline of Oddison, bathed in the warm glow of a setting sun, Rwik knew this wasn't just a homecoming. It was the beginning of a new chapter, one where he wasn't just the Carbon Spider, but also the protector of a celestial guardian who had captured his heart. The fight for Oddison continued, but now, he wouldn't face it alone. He had Captain Cosmic by his side, not just as a comrade-in-arms, but as his girlfriend, a cosmic anomaly who had become the anchor to his grounded world. With the city lights twinkling below them, a promise hung in the air - a promise of a future filled with adventure, love, and the unwavering fight for a world that needed them both.

Chp-2, Uneasy Introductions

The cheers of a liberated Oddison echoed through the air as Rwik and Captain Cosmic, hand in hand, touched down in the heart of the city. The once oppressive metal structures gleamed with a newfound vibrancy, reflecting the joy that washed over the people.

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