Vol19, To the Abroad

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Celeste/Captain Cosmic

Celeste/Captain Cosmic

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Chp-1, Now or Never

The blaring fire alarm tore through the sterile silence of the monitoring room, shattering Rwik's focus. Guards scrambled, their faces contorted in confusion and panic. He cursed under his breath. The diversion had worked, but it was cruder than he'd hoped. Now, he had seconds to react before the chaos drew unwanted attention.

Rwik raised his hand, the artificial web-shooter whirring softly. He might be weaker, but he was still a spider. And spiders, even those with makeshift webs, knew how to vanish. He fired a web-strand at the nearest ventilation shaft, the adhesive holding firm. He glanced back at the control room. The guards were already swarming towards the door, their attention momentarily diverted.

"Now or never," he muttered, and with a powerful kick, launched himself towards the shaft, swinging on the taut line with practiced ease. The wind whipped at his face as he traversed the gap, landing with a roll onto the metal grating. Just as he was about to pull himself into the darkness, a new sound reached his ears - a soft whoosh, like air being displaced with unnatural speed.

He froze, heart hammering in his chest. A figure materialized in the doorway of the control room, a woman clad in a suit that shimmered with an otherworldly blue light. Her flowing, ice-blonde hair seemed to defy gravity, and her eyes, a startling shade of cerulean, held a distant, ethereal quality.

"Well, well," a voice that echoed with a subtle distortion, like sound traveling through a vacuum, emanated from the woman. "Looks like we have a resourceful arachnid here."

The woman stepped into the light, revealing a slender but athletic build. Her suit, if one could call it that, appeared more like energy given form, swirling with an almost mesmerizing luminescence. Rwik narrowed his eyes, his mind racing. Who was this? An ally? Another enemy?

Before he could formulate a response, the woman extended a hand towards him, her touch almost weightless.

"Don't be alarmed, little spider," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice, though the distorted nature made it difficult to discern its true tone. "I'm not here for you... exactly. Exodus might be a suffocating grip on this city, but at least they're predictable. You... well, you're a wrinkle in the fabric of inevitability."

A hesitant smile tugged at Rwik's lips. This woman, whoever she was, seemed to possess some knowledge of the Bridgebuilders. He took a cautious step back, still gripping the vent cover.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Chp-2, Who are you?

The woman tilted her head, her gaze seeming to pierce through him. "The name's Celeste," she declared, her voice echoing with a strange resonance. "And it seems like your Bridgebuilders could use a little... celestial intervention."

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