Vol6, Going to Siberia

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Chp-1, The Journey

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Chp-1, The Journey

The cramped X-Jet cabin buzzed with nervous energy as Carbon Spider, or Rwik as he preferred on missions, and Tigerman hurtled towards Siberia. Rwik, still relatively new to air travel, plastered himself against the window, the vast expanse of the Eurasian continent stretching out below like a wrinkled tapestry of browns and greens.

Tigerman chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that vibrated through the cabin. "Relax, kid. The Blackbird is the smoothest ride you'll ever experience, sort of like teleporting."

Despite Tigerman's reassurance, Rwik couldn't completely shake off his apprehension. It wasn't just the flight - although hurtling through the sky at supersonic speeds was a new experience - it was the mission itself. Vorkuta, a remote Siberian town ravaged by erratic weather patterns, a frightened young mutant at the heart of it all.

As the hours ticked by, Rwik reviewed the mission briefing on his tablet. The energy readings from Vorkuta were off the charts, a chaotic mix of thermal and kinetic signatures. Professor X suspected telekinesis or pyrokinesis, but with the erratic nature of the readings, it was impossible to say for sure.

"What do you think we'll find?" Rwik finally asked, breaking the silence.

Tigerman, who had been staring intently out the window, his fur bristling against the artificial chill of the cabin, turned towards Rwik.

"Scared, Spidey?" he rumbled, a hint of amusement in his emerald eyes.

Rwik bristled at the nickname. "Not scared," he countered, "just... cautious. This is my first official X-Men mission."

Tigerman snorted. "First of many, kid. But this one might be a challenge. Young mutants, especially those struggling with their powers, can be unpredictable."

He fell silent momentarily, a flicker of seriousness crossing his features. "But that's why we're here. To help them learn control, to show them they're not alone."

Rwik nodded, a newfound determination settling in his gut. He may have been nervous, but he wouldn't let that hinder him. He was Carbon Spider, a hero in training, and he would face this challenge alongside his rival.

The journey continued, the vast emptiness of Siberia slowly giving way to a cluster of buildings on the horizon. Vorkuta. A knot of apprehension tightened in Rwik's stomach, but beneath it, a spark of excitement flickered. This was it. Their mission was about to begin.

As the Blackbird descended, the unnatural heat radiating from Vorkuta hit them like a wall. Smoke rose from chimneys, a sign that the townspeople were desperately trying to keep warm despite the oppressive heat.

Carbon Spider and Tigerman exchanged a glance, their expressions grim.

"Looks like things are worse than we thought," Rwik said with his tight voice.

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