Characters+Author's note

45 4 0

Main roles:

Kim Hoyeon
-17 years old

Park Sunghoon-18 years old

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Park Sunghoon
-18 years old

Park Sunghoon-18 years old

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Side roles:

-Nishimura Niki
-Mrs Hye
-Yeon Sera

I may add others along the way.


A/n: Ohh look who's finally bored and back..hii as promised, I'm writing a hoon story. I had fun reading comments while I was inactive

Haven't touched writing in months and I might be rusty in it, so apology in advance for any grammatical mistakes.

And disclaimer this story is a work of fiction and my imagination, not how they actually act in real life, thank you for understanding.

You can tell by the title that this story will be these two working in a place where cups of coffee are passed around ☕️

So if this sounds like your cup of coffee...tea, whatever, please enjoy 🤍🤍

Sweet Caffeine | Park Sunghoon ◇Where stories live. Discover now