Chapter 11

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Hoyeon's pov

I had accepted the email and Niki offered to pick me up to drive me to the company. He drove a Bentley, of course he did. I got in and the atmosphere just felt off.

"I'm not convinced that you want this job. I may be a jerk, but living in riches has taught me a lot too. Why do you actually want it?"
He broke the silence.

"Excuse me?"
My eyebrows creased.

"Tell me the truth"
He said, still focused on the road.

He's so nosy, but why can he see right through me so easily?

I explained to him my entire situation throughout the drive and surprisingly, he didn't tease me about it. He understood me.

"I could always rent out a small apartment nearby for you so you could continue working at the cafe there. All expenses will be taken care of"
He said.

"What? Niki I can't just accept that, you want something from me, don't you?"
I couldn't believe my ears.

"No. I'm being serious. My dad owns half the town, and I never got a chance to truly help someone out"
He replied.

That's when the car stopped, I looked at my surroundings and saw that we were in front of the cafe.

"Wait, Niki, why are we here?"
I asked, confused.

"You don't belong to that company, Hoyeon. Just alight"
He told me.

"Fine, I'll get there myself"
I got out of the car and slammed the door.

Then, I saw Sunghoon suddenly rushing to me from inside the cafe. I cursed under my breath.

"Hoyeon! You didn't reply to my messages, is everything okay? Why are you in formal wear?.."
He looked at me head to toe, puzzled.

Then, he looked behind me, his eyes darkening.

"He drove you here? For what reason?"
Sunghoon's voice was serious.

"No, Sunghoon. This wasn't meant to happen-"
I wanted to explain but Niki interrupted me.

"Cinderella wanted to run away, and I'm ensuring that she leaves a slipper behind so prince charming can find his way back to his princess"
Niki came forward and leaned against his car, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What is he blabbering about? Did he do something to you?"
Sunghoon diverted his attention to me again.

"She was going to resign and join ****Wave with my help. I know you wouldn't want her to do that, so I'm stopping her"
Niki continued.

"I want to hear it from her"
Sunghoon waited for my answer.

"It's true. I was planning to resign, I was scared to tell you so I didn't call you back"
I explained.

His gaze softened, and I gulped.

"I would have supported you if you told me. I told you to follow your dreams, didn't I?"
He held my hand.

"Those aren't her dreams anymore. If you aren't blind yet, she wants to stay here with you"
Niki said.

"You know how my mom is. She'll kick me out of the house if I don't resign"
I added on to Niki.

"Just accept it, I want to help. You could stay in the apartment literally over there. It doesn't even take you five minutes to get here"
Niki tapped in.

"You just want to take advantage of her after you do that"
Sunghoon assumed boldly.

"It's her choice. My only intention is to lighten her burden"
Niki replied.

"I want to stay. Besides, his dad is filthy rich. He can pay the rent expenses for me and I get to stay here with you"
I tried to convince Sunghoon, squeezing his hand for reassurance.

He looked hesitant, but cane to an agreement.

"Okay, I'm trusting you, but he needs to gain my trust"
Sunghoon glanced at Niki.

"It's settled, I'll tell my mom to cancel your application. Your apartment will be ready by tomorrow. Look out for my message. Now you have customers to attend to, pretty. I'm leaving"
Niki made his way to the driver seat again.

"Thank you!"
I shouted and he drove off.

"Why does he call you 'pretty' all the time?"
Sunghoon's eyebrows met in the middle.

"To annoy me. I'll still take it as a compliment though"
I shrugged.

"Pfft. You're much more than just pretty to me. Let's get in, the coffee machine isn't going to function on its own"
He booped my nose with his finger and dragged me inside the cafe.


We tended to the customers all day together rushing to complete the long list of orders we had. I honestly found Sunghoon's frantic face really funny. After hours, the cafe cleared and relief washed over the both of us.

"So you were saying? I'm more than pretty to you, so what am I to you then?"
I pushed myself up onto the counter and adjusted myself as I questioned Sunghoon.

Even when I'm on the counter, he's still just as tall. He caged me in between his arms, leaning his weight on the counter.

"You're my solace, Hoyeon. It took me ages to admit to myself that I like you. You showed me what it was like to feel alive again"
Sunghoon made eye contact with me.

I think I haven't woken up, yeah, I didn't drink my morning coffee yet..

"You made me look forward to working here every day. I enjoyed your company. I just felt scared to get attached again after getting hurt"
He said.

"Honestly, I thought you still had some feelings for Sera, so I thought leaving wouldn't make a difference"
I told him.

"Wouldn't make a difference? You're brave to assume that. I'd be miserable by now. And I did get overexcited to meet Sera, I'm sorry I left you alone on shift. I wanted to clear things up with her"
Sunghoon explained.

"My focus is on you now, and I'm sure that you're the one I like"
Sincerity filled his voice and my heart melted at his words.

"I like you too, hoon"
I gathered the courage to confess back.

I felt my face heating up, but he seemed so happy to hear it.

"God, you're f*cking adorable"
He laughed.

Sunghoon leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips, taking me by surprise. I wasn't expecting it, but I was ecstatic.

"Was that too fast, I'm sorry-"
I cut him off with a kiss back.

His lips moved in rhythm to mine, getting lost in the kiss. He held one of my hands, and interlocked our fingers as his other hand gripped my waist. We then pulled away from each other and smiled warmly.

"Don't need to say sorry"
I put my free hand on his shoulder, giggling.

"Then, can I say that you're my girlfriend now?"
He raised his brows at me.

"Of course"
I put my arms around him, hugging the guy.

Things took unexpected turns today, but as of now, I'm on cloud nine.

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