Chapter 8

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(The next day)

Sunghoon's pov

Hoyeon hasn't been the same this whole day. When I was trying to start conversations, she always kept her answers short and then kept quiet.

It’s awfully weird to admit that I cared for her. I haven't felt this protective of someone ever since months ago.

The clock just hit 5pm and we were starting to close the cafe. She was cleaning up the last bit of the counter and I approached her.

“Hoyeon, did I do something to make you upset? You don't seem like yourself today”
I asked.

“No. You did nothing wrong, I'm just feeling sh*tty because of what my mom said. Sorry for giving you the cold shoulder”
She couldn't even look me in the eye.

“Oh, it's okay. Wanna talk about it? I'm free to hang around with you”
I tilted my head.

“Honestly, yeah. I don't feel like going home for dinner tonight. Could we stay out? If you're up for it, that is”
She finally looked up.

“Of course. Do you want to go to the beach? I know a quiet spot”
I started taking out my apron and put on my jacket

“I'd love that. I'll call a cab”
She took out her phone and tried to get us a ride.

(At the beach, 6pm)

I walked towards a quiet spot that I found out about some time ago. It was on top of a hill, and there's a comfortable grass patch behind a big rock where no one comes to.

It overlooked the ocean and the little girl next to me was tugging my sleeves, exclaiming how beautiful it is.

“Sunghoon, how did you find this place?? It's so pretty up here”
She was taking in the view in front of her.

“Just walked around. You have to explore sometimes”
I then sat down, Hoyeon following.

“I feel better by just being here already. And the sun is setting soon”
She said.

The sky was painted in the orange colour of the sunset. We both agreed to sit quietly and watch the sun disappear into the ocean.

I took glances of Hoyeon admiring the sunset, noticing how the wind blows in her hair and how deep in thought she is. She must've a lot on her mind, but I decided to wait until the sun fully goes down.

“So, you were talking about your mom?”
I broke the serenity.

“Yeah. I don't know whether I've told you this, but I originally took up this job because I just wanted extra cash before joining a company I actually want”

“I told my mom about it and she understood but it's been over a month since I worked at the cafe, and she doesn't like it because she thinks I'll struggle in the long run”

“I know she cares about me, but is there no other way of encouraging me than comparing me to my older sister? She's always had the spotlight in the family, and I felt invisible most of time”

“When she graduated with highest honours, she received a bouquet and everything, but when I did the same, mom didn't pay as much attention”


“She's looking out for you, but that doesn't mean she should freely compare you to your sister. And Hoyeon, does this mean you're resigning soon?”
I looked at her.

“I..don't know hoon. My head's a mess. I enjoy working at the cafe with you, I do, but I also want to get into that company”
She replied, letting out a sigh.

Sweet Caffeine | Park Sunghoon ◇Where stories live. Discover now