Chapter 1

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Hoyeon's pov

My eyes fell to the concrete as I sauntered my way home. All day I've been waiting for the calls from companies where I was interviewed to tell me that I was hired, but the moment never came.

I'm a fresh graduate, and I've been trying to find a job but nothing seems to be working out. I've gone to companies I'm interested in joining, but none want to take me in.

Drowned in my thoughts, the sound of an engine getting increasingly louder pulled me back into reality.

Soon enough, a blinding light shone my way and I saw a motorist speeding down the road. My eyes suddenly landed on a short figure with grey hair just a distance away from me.

The groceries the person was holding dropped to the floor and my eyes flickered between the nearing motorist and the lady. I screamed in fear.

I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her, expectant of a collision to happen. I was ready to accept my fate until a loud screech and freezing cold water splashing on my back made me jolt.

I sucked in air between my teeth, turning around to see the motorist opening his face shield, giving me a view of his sharp eyes. I unbelievably looked at the dirty water on the road drip down the sleeves of my shirt.

“You're going beyond the limits, slow down before you crash into someone”
I told him sternly.

That was my first near-death experience.

“Fine, I'll slow down. Tell your old friend there sorry for me will you, pretty?”
He glanced at the old lady and zoomed off like it was nothing.

I gritted my teeth. Living life on the edge just never appealed to me, and I would never understand how guys like that love it.

I then turned to the old lady and asked if she was okay.

“I'm okay, but I can't reach for the groceries, my back is weak. Could you help me please?”
She reassured me, pointing to the plastic bags on the ground.

“It must be very cold, do you want to stop by at my house to change into a new set of clothes?”
Her tone was full of concern.

I picked it up the groceries and offered to just walk her to her house which luckily, was nearby. It must be tiring for her to carry. The lady agreed with a warm smile on her face, introducing herself as Mrs Hye.

“What a beautiful girl. What's your name? You look like you're about my grandson’s age”
She observed my face.

“Kim Hoyeon. I'm 17 years old and just graduated actually”
I said.

“Oh my grandson is just a year older than you. What are you doing out late at night? It's dangerous for you to be out alone at this time”
She asked worriedly.

“I just grabbed nice dinner earlier to cheer myself up”
I replied.

“From what? Did your boyfriend break up with you?”
She asked and I laughed.

“It's not that, but I didn't get hired for the job I was interested in. You know competition is high these days”
I chuckled, but there was a hint of sadness in it.

“Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. You know, this may not be what you're looking for, but this cafe not too far from here is in need of a new employee. Would you be up for it?”
She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

I thought it through and if this could earn me some money while I looked for the job I truly desired, then why not? It'd be a good experience too.

“Please accept the offer. This is the only way I can repay you for your bravery in protecting me earlier”
She tried convincing me further.

“I'd love to work there. You're sure I could land a place there?”
I asked.

She nodded.

“Your eyes, they're full of determination. They'd take in you without a doubt”
She chuckled and I thanked her.

After conversing with her, we finally reached her front porch, but I was worried about whether there was anyone home with her to look after her.

“Is anyone home to take care of you?”
I asked.

“Yes, my grandson is home. He must be worried about me by now. I'll get going. Get home quickly, or you might catch a cold. Have a good night”
She smiled at me again.

I gave her the grocery bags and she waved at me before getting in the house safely.

I started making my way home, thinking about what working at a cafe would be like. Certainly not what I envisioned myself doing in the future, but I'll take any good opportunity that comes my way.

Kim Hoyeon as a barista…hmm

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