Chapter 10

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Sunghoon's pov

Sera had called me earlier and told me to meet up with her at an art gallery. She sent me the location, so I took a cab there. I knew she liked art, so I wasn't too surprised.

When I stepped out of the cab, a tall and beautiful building stood in front of me. My eyes searched for Sera, and I saw her waving to me by the entrance. I went up to her and she brought me in.

“I didn't keep you waiting right?”
I asked and she shook her head.

“I wanted to come here because I used to visit this place on my own without you knowing. I missed it a lot”
She said.

“Oh, yeah. You didn't tell me that you liked to sketch. I didn't get a chance to say that you're really good at it. You know..your sketchbook is still with me”
I told her.

“You kept your promise. And it's just a hobby, I don't do it anymore, I just appreciate art instead now. Let's go to that painting”
She pointed to one not far from us.

It was a painting of a monarch butterfly with torn wings.

“I saw that you drew butterflies in your sketchbook too”
I said.

“Yeah, they're pretty creatures but they're only appreciated when they're released from their cocoon. Not when they're a caterpillar chewing holes in leaves”
She replied, folding her arms.

“Agreed. How about those with torn wings?”
I questioned.

“A butterfly's life span is already short. If it can't even fly, there's no way of getting nectar from flowers sprouting upwards beyond its reach. That's living to die”
Sera turned to me.

She loves art doesn't she?

“Why would you stop something you enjoy just because you moved away?”
I gazed into her eyes.

“I'd end up keeping things with memories attached to it. I know you saw that drawing of yourself. If I held onto that book any longer, I wouldn't be able to move on. I'm sorry if it pained you to keep it”
She apologised.

“A little..yes. It's okay, I'd rather save you some pain. You already had to leave your hometown, and that was bad enough”
I tried to comfort her.

We continued walking around the museum and Sera kept her eye on different paintings for a while. There's never a wrong way of doing art, that's the beauty of it, and Sera understands that well.

As she kept talking to me about the piece in front of us, I realised that she never changed one bit. She was still the kind hearted and gentle girl I first met.

Mrs Hye has always adored her ever since she joined the cafe. I fell for her charm too, and she changed my outlook of the world. I don't socialise much with people, but she was one of the few people who made me feel comfortable.

I found myself having feelings for her, starting to treat her to dinners and giving her simple gifts, and she reciprocated her feelings too. She confessed first, and I immediately said I liked her too.

Soon enough we got into a relationship and we went slow. I felt like my life was perfect, and I can't lie and say I've never thought of having her hand in marriage before. Sadly, that possibility crumbled in front of me when she had to move away.

“Sunghoon? You okay?”
Sera tapped my arm, and I looked at her.

Do you think we could have ever worked out, Sera?”
I asked nervously.

“What…Sunghoon I thought we moved on”
She seemed a little taken aback by my question.

“You're right, I'm sorry. I won't ask about it”
Guilt washed over me.

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