Chapter 14

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(The next day, 10am)

Sunghoon's pov

The harsh sunlight shone into the room, walking me up. I slowly blinked my eyes to be greeted with my girlfriend's pretty face. She was still sleeping. It was a Saturday and I planned a day out for us.

I quietly moved my arm that she was holding onto and slid away to go shower. However, I hadn't even taken three steps away from the bed and I felt arms snake around my torso.

“Where are you going?”
She asked in a sleepy voice.

“We're going on a date, you can sleep a while longer. I'm going to shower first”
I shifted to face her.

“A date??”
If her eyes were half closed earlier, they're fully open now.

“Mhm. I won't tell you where we're going, but it's going to be fun, okay?”
I patted her head.

She nodded and let go of me so I could go and shower while she stayed in bed, of course not being able to close her eyes anymore from the excitement.


“We're here”
I said as we stopped in front of the roller rink.

“Are you stalking me? This was one of the things on my bucket list I didn't manage to do”
She jumped up and down.

“Looks like that's happening today, with me
I held her hand and we went in to register.

We booked two hours and then chose a pair of roller skates in each of our sizes, going to a bench to put them on. I saw that Hoyeon was struggling to tie her roller skates so I squatted down to tie it for her.

“Is it tight enough?”
I asked, tying the final knot and standing up.

“Yeah, thanks. Now let's goo!”
She stood up excitedly, but almost lost her balance.

“Woah no rush, darling. We have two hours”
I laughed as I caught her before she fell.

She was embarrassed, but we slowly made our way to the main rink. Luckily, there were few people today. Hoyeon held onto the walls as she moved forward. On the other hand, I was trying to get used to it on my own.

I pushed myself forward, getting the hang of it as I make one lap around the rink. Hoyeon made eye contact with me from afar, shocked.

“How are you so good? You've done this before haven't you?”
She asked.

“Nope, first timer. Come, I'll help. Hold both my hands”
I offered her some help.

She took my hands, as I skated backwards and she skated forward. Hoyeon was good at following the instructions which gave her the momentum to move slightly faster.

Once I noticed that she had enough courage, I let go of one hand and skated beside her. She finally looked away from her foot movements and focused at the front, starting to enjoy the breeze on her face.

“You got it, good job”
I rubbed circles on her hand with my thumb.

“Thanks to you”
She replied.

Hoyeon let go of my hand and started to skate on her own, learning how to speed up and slow down. She looked like a child discovering the world for the first time.

“Hoon! Look, I can spin!”
Her tone, excited as ever.

She showed off little tricks to me, and I was always dumbfounded because of how silly but adorable she was. I praised her along the way and we genuinely had fun. Then, I came up with an idea to race her.

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