Chapter 5

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Hoyeon's pov

I waited for the bus to arrive to go to the mall. I felt like I should treat myself by doing some shopping. The bus could be seen from a distance and I stood up to board it.

As I scanned the bus for an empty seat, my eyes met the familiar blondie. He put up a hand and waved to me. I smiled and took my seat beside him.

He looked different from what I'm used to. He isn't wearing his formal dress shirt and apron. Instead he's wearing a cozy hoodie, and I could tell that his hair was just left to air dry.

“Following me now?”
I settled down.

“You wish. I'm heading to the mall. Mrs Hye wants her favourite dish from there for lunch”
He said.

“Guess we share the same stop. I'm planning to shop for some clothes”
I replied.

Sunghoon nodded and we talked for some time until the mall was in sight. As I walked towards one of the boutiques, I felt a presence following behind me. I turned and Sunghoon stood there holding eye contact with me.

“You're actually following?”
I fully turned to him.

“Why not? It's 11.30pm. Mrs Hye usually eats lunch at 1pm. I'll at least kill some time by following you”
He looked away awkwardly.

I shrugged at him and carried on with my plans. I needed a new set of pajamas, so I walked towards that section. I felt the material of the different pajamas, testing the comfortability.

“This is overpriced. Why did you choose to shop here? I got my hoodie for 18,000₩”
Sunghoon shoved his hands in his pockets.

“My skin deserves to be covered in luxurious cloth like satin or silk when I'm asleep. Has any of your exes taught you anything about these things?”
I raised a brow.

I was expecting a response back but only silence filled the air.

“Never had a girlfriend?”
That was the next thing that came to mind.

“Not really. It's complicated to be honest
He replied

“If you can't pull, just admit it hoon. Anyway, you should do your own shopping. I wanna walk around alone. Bye”
I said and waved to him.

I wondered what he meant by ‘complicated’. I'm sure I saw girls swooning over him every day, surely he would have dated someone before.

I continued browsing through the racks of pajamas. I needed to find a cute one that I could wear often. That's when I spotted a set which had teddy bear prints on it. The material was perfect too. I looked for my size and grabbed one for myself.

“Fancy seeing you here”
A deep voice spoke.

I looked behind and saw a really tall guy, taller than Sunghoon was. I analysed his face but he wasn't in the record of faces that I have saved in my head.

“I'm sorry, but who are you?”
I asked, confused.

“Aww you don't remember me, pretty?”
He flipped his long hair back, emphasising the last word.

Pretty? I know someone has called me that before.

Wait, the motorist.

He's the motorist.

I looked at his eyes again, and confirmed it. Those same sharp eyes. He chuckled when he noticed that I realised who he was.

“It's Niki, but you could call me yours”
His lips morphed into a smirk.

“Look, I don't want anything to do with you. If you're not even here to properly apologise, I'll get going”
I left him to pay for my pajamas at the cashier.

“Let it slide this once? How about I take you out to lunch?”
Niki tailed behind me.

“No. You almost killed me and someone's grandmother. You're not in any place to ask me out”
I stood firm against him.

I grabbed my shopping bag and passed him, exiting the store. I thought he'd give up, but I found myself being blocked by him.

“Alright I'm sorry. I was speeding that night because I thought there'd be no one around, but just happened to be you and that lady there”
He folded his arms across his chest, looking down to his feet.

“I forgive you, so now would you leave me alone? Stop following me”
I told him and walked away.

Suddenly I felt a grip on my wrist and I quickly tried to shake it off.

“Just one lunch, and I'll let you go. Promise”
He tried to persuade me.

“What? Are you drunk? Dude, get lost”
I finally yanked my hand away when I felt his grip on me loosen.

“You're not playing fair, having prince charming to save you? What a lame move”
He started stepping back slowly.

I frowned at his words. I think he's actually high. However, I bumped into something as I walked backwards from Niki.

“Who are you to touch her? Leave her alone. She doesn't know you”
It was Sunghoon.

His cold eyes pierced through Niki's sharp ones. I was scared that things might escalate and cause another argument. Relief then washed over me when Niki decided to leave the scene, leaving me with Sunghoon.

“Who was that *sshole? Are you hurt anywhere?”
Sunghoon looked for any injuries that he may have caused.

“No, I'm okay. He's just a stranger”
I reassured him.

He'd freak out if I told him that the supposed stranger was the motorist who almost killed Mrs Hye. I didn't want that happening.

“He's so disgusting”
Sunghoon was irked by him.

“It's fine, thanks for being there. I owe you one”
I said, then noticed the packaged food he's holding.

“Wanna head home?”
I suggested.

“Okay. And next time, call me if he suddenly comes back or if you feel uncomfortable alone with a guy”
He advised me.

“Looks like I need your phone number for that smartie”
I gave him my phone.

Sunghoon pressed his number in and I saved his contact.

“Thanks. Let's go now”
I slid my phone in my pocket.

Sunghoon walked alongside me, heading to the bus stop again.

I could get used to this side of Sunghoon.

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