
22 2 0

(Years later)

Sunghoon's pov

“Yuna! Wait for appa!”
I shouted as the little girl ran off towards the sea.

Yuna was our daughter. Hoyeon and I had been raising her and it was tough because she was quite mischievous. Although it was a challenge, we still loved her so much.

“Yuna! Be careful!”
Hoyeon shouted as I heard her following behind me towards Yuna.

“It's so cold”
I said as I walked further into the water.

Yuna saw this as a chance to have some fun. I suddenly felt splashes of cold water running down my body. I tried to cover myself, but she kept going, laughing as she did.

“I'm gonna get you back”
I warned, splashing back water towards her.

Yuna screamed and tried to run away, but the sand beneath her feet slowed her down. I managed to get closer to her and wrapped my arms around her figure who was helplessly fighting back.

“Don't think you can win me”
I said, chuckling.

“Okayy, now let me go”
She said.

“If I do, you won't start splashing around right?”
I asked, leaning my head down.

She nodded, showing me those innocent eyes. I let her go, and luckily she listened. She went off swimming nearby. Whereas, Hoyeon came towards me and sighed.

“Thanks for getting her under control. I swear she likes you more than me”
She said softly so Yuna wouldn't hear.

“Well, maybe just a little. Didn't know a day at the beach could be this much work too”
I replied, resting an arm on her shoulder.

“Yeah. Umm, by the way, there are other girls at this beach whose eyes have been glued to you ever since we arrived. They look like they're about to pounce on you”
She said, quickly looking at the girls staring at me from a distance.

“And why should that concern me? You're the only one I have eyes for, darling”
I looked down at her.

“Well yeah, but still”
She crossed her arms.

Still…you're jealous?”
I asked, seeing right through her.

“You need to cover up, I'm literally wearing a fully sleeved swimsuit”
Hoyeon pressed herself to me, covering my front body.

I let out a laugh at her protectiveness, but I loved the attention.

“Appa! I'm hungry!”
Yuna said, coming towards us.

“Hungry? Let's go get something to eat from the food truck, okay?”
I pointed to the food truck.

Hoyeon saw this and stepped aside.

“Can you carry me there?”
Yuna put her arms out.

“Okay. Hold on tight”
I lifted her up and put her on my shoulders.

She held onto my head as all three of us walked to the food truck. Yeah, the same one.

Aside from my family, I realised that he was also one of the people who watched me grow. He was always so friendly to me no matter how I was feeling when I came by the same beach.

“Your daughter has grown taller. Hello! What would you like, sweetie?”
The uncle looked at Yuna endearingly.

“I want the hotdog bread”
She answered.

“One hotdog bread for you!”
The uncle said, packing it up into a plastic bag.

Hoyeon and I ordered our own food and I tipped the uncle before returning to our original seating area. We settled down and I let Yuna eat her food. Hoyeon then suddenly put a towel around me.

“There, better”
She smiled before digging into her food.

“Appa, do you want to try some of my food?”
Yuna offered, and I said yes.

She came closer and let me take a bite, and I hummed in delight. She giggled, making me smile too.

“What about me, Yuna? May I try some?”
Hoyeon asked, pursing her lips.

Yuna dramatically hid the food behind her back.

“Why? Just a small bite, please?”
Hoyeon tried to persuade the girl, but all she got was another no.

“Yuna, you should share with eomma. She just wants to try a little bit”
I rubbed Yuna’s arm.

She said after some hesitation.

Hoyeon happily took a bite and gave a thumbs up.

“You're lucky that you're her bias in the house”
Hoyeon nudged me, still feeling a little sour about it.

“She'll grow out of it”
I said, reassuring her.

We finished up our food and all of us chatted for a long time that when I looked up, the sun was already starting to set. I'll never get tired of coming here.

“The sun is so pretty, let's go to it!”
Yuna said excitedly and started running towards the direction of it.

I was speechless, but chased after her.

“Yuna! You can't go to the sun! It's not reachable!”
I shouted again.

She went into the water again, ignoring my words. With full determination, she swam towards the direction of the sun setting in high hopes to touch it.

“Yuna! There are sharks out there that can eat you if you go any further!”
I came up with a lame excuse to get her to stop.

Yuna stopped and immediately turned my way.

“Yeah! Come here now”
I said and she rushed over.

“I don't want to be eaten by a shark”
She sounded scared as I dragged her back to shore.

“Mhm, good that you listened”
I patted her head and we made our way back to Hoyeon.

“Now what did she plan to do?”
Hoyeon asked as I sat down next to her.

“Wanted to touch the sun”
I said, shaking my head.

“What made her think she could reach the sun by swimming towards it?”
Even Hoyeon laughed at the idea.

“Don't know, maybe it's a sign that she's going to have big ambitions later in life”
I joked.

She said, laughing hard.

We'll see where Yuna's ambitions take her in the future.

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