Chapter 4

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(A week later)

Sunghoon's pov

By now, Hoyeon has learned how to make all the beverages the cafe offers, and she's working on mastering all of them now.

I've been observing her, and she's diligent in perfecting the drinks, from the taste to ensuring it looks appealing. Though she asked me so many questions about the drinks, I found it hard to be annoyed because she seemed really sincere.

"Sunghoon, how long have you been working as a barista?"
She interrupted my thoughts.

"About two years"
I answered.

"Do you like it here?"
She asked.

I paused for a while, I didn't have a sure answer to that. Did I?

"I guess? I have my fair share of events at this place"
I told her.

"Are you unsure because I ruined your supposed peace by joining?"
Hoyeon narrowed her eyes at me.

"Hoyeon it's not like that, I have my reasons. You didn't do anything"
I defended myself.

She was going to respond when a customer came to the counter, asking for a caramel frappe. Hoyeon excitedly went to make it, a subtle dimple making an appearance on her face.

She was almost done, but she called me to help her. She was struggling to use the whip cream and tried to do it in front of me and aimed it at the back of her hand.

Failed attempts after failed attempts, I just did the whip cream for her and served it to the customer instead. I approached Hoyeon again and she tried to take the can away from me but I didn't allow it.

"You have to press it this way"
I took her hand and demonstrated it for her.

She looked at the mini mountain of whip cream on the back of her hand and nodded her head. I slowly let go of her hand.

"Put in more strength, weakling"
I passed her the can, smirking.

"Who are you calling weakling? You won't be calling me that once I make a dent in that perfect face of yours"
She argued back.

"You think I have a perfect face? Didn't know you-"
I then backed away from Hoyeon.

She smeared the whip cream on her hand onto my nose while she giggled proudly at her own actions.

"You're lucky violence is against the law, if not, punching you would be my first choice"
She pointed at me.

Oh she's not getting away that easily.

"Okay whatever you say.."
I grinned as I stepped closer to her again.

I swiped my finger on the whip cream and took the chance to get some on her cheek.

She whined, walking away from me.

She turned around to wash her hands, and I genuinely smiled for the first time in a few weeks. I instantly dropped the smile when the realisation hit me. That felt strange..strangely nice too.

Hoyeon then grabbed a paper towel to wipe off the whip cream on her cheek, making her way to me as she did so. Once she was done, she folded the paper towel and wiped the whip cream from my nose too, taking me by surprise.

"Don't look, but your one of the regulars is glaring at me as if I'm flirting with her boyfriend"
She stifled a laugh, cleaning up the last bit of whip cream.

"You know better than me how girls can be. I bet it's the girl with clumpy eyelashes and ridiculously big gold hoops"
I made a guess.

"You know your customers well. She's definitely...eye-catching"
Sarcasm filled her tone.

"Been hanging around me ever since I was first here"
I watched as Hoyeon threw away the paper towel.

"You're lying"
She said in disbelief.

"I wish I was. She's insanely persistent. Getting off her radar is something even Einstein possibly couldn't crack"
I crossed my arms as she laughed.

"Wanna mess around then?"
She cocked a brow at me with a sly look in her eyes.

"Mess around how?"
The corner of my lips lifted as I brushed her hair out of her face.

She caught on and smiled at me lovingly, continuing to act head over heels for me. I played along for a fee minutes of course.

"Mad is an understatement. Her being here is enough to start a fire"
Hoyeon joked.

"Now before that happens or ratings start to lower, we should stop"
I raised my brows.

"Oh come on, I haven't felt this thrill in months"
She leaned against the counter.

"Really? Or are you just thrilled because I'm giving you attention"
I put my head on her head, putting on a teasing smile.

"Get your head out of your *ss. Not every girl wants you, Sunghoon"
Hoyeon hit my hand away.

"Oh I'm sure they don't. They'll run away when they see you throwing your whack punches"
I said, earning myself a death glare from her.

"You'll feel that whack punch one day"
She rolled her eyes and turned around to be pleasantly surprised.

"Sunghoon! Clumpy lashes is gone!"
She exclaimed.

I shook my head at her accomplished reaction.

"Do you want an award or something?"
I asked rhetorically.

"Would you prepare it for me?"
She looked at me hopefully and broke into laughter.

'Best Entertainer Award' goes to Kim Hoyeon!

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