Chapter 3

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(The next day, at the cafe)

Hoyeon's pov

I put the apron over myself and watched as a group of girls were flocking the counter, excited to see Sunghoon while ordering.

No wonder business is booming here. If it weren't for Sunghoon, this cafe would be deserted. Although Sunghoon didn't even bother to shoot them a smile, the girls’ compliments echoed through the cafe.

What a melody..

If I tried to take his place, I'm sure the girls would specially request for Sunghoon.

Sunghoon then went to make the coffee for them, and I saw how speedily he made their coffee. I went over to offer some help, but he never looked in my direction once.

I saw the order placed on the screen and decided to make the iced coffee Sunghoon taught me yesterday while he made the other three listed out. After he was done, we placed everything on a tray and he served it to the girls. 

“Thank you handsome. See you around”
One of the girls slid a tiny piece of paper to him as she took the tray and walked away with her minions.

I assumed it was probably her number, but Sunghoon picked it up and the paper threw it in the bin before even opening it. He walked over to the coffee machine and started taking a few cups.

“Quit staring before I change my mind in teaching you how to make these drinks”
Sunghoon looked me in the eye.

Without hesitation, I went to him and started listening attentively. He spoke too fast for my pace, but I didn't want to aggravate him so I ended up fumbling a lot as I followed his instructions.

He then told me to make the foam he just demonstrated, and I did so quietly as he watched. A few seconds passed and he suddenly spoke.

“Thank you”
He said

“Hm? For what?”
I continued to look down.

“For saving Mrs Hye from the motorist. But why did you do it? She's a complete stranger to you”
He said.

“That could be someone's sister, mother, grandmother even. You wouldn't have to think twice to jump in and try to protect someone”
I responded honestly.

“Then what about you? You're someone's daughter too aren't you?”
He sounded confused.

“I just imagined what I'd do if that was my mom. I'd want to protect her too. Why? What's your relationship with Mrs Hye?”
I became curious.

“She's my grandmother”
He revealed the truth and I paused what I was doing to face him.

I was so wrong when I thought the coffee earlier woke me up. What Sunghoon just said sent goosebumps all over my skin.

His face told me that he was being serious, and that he was the grandson Mrs Hye was talking about the other night.

“So thank you. It was lucky that the motorist stopped in time, but your decision to risk your life like that for a stranger was very brave”
He looked away, sounding quite guilty for some reason.

“No worries. It was the right thing to do”
I told him.

“Also, I know I treated you badly yesterday and..I'm not the best at apologies, so can I treat you to dinner when you're free?”
He offered.

“How about you just continue teaching me how to make everything on the menu, and slowly this time. That’ll suffice”
I suggested, and he nodded in agreement.

I went back to making the foam.

“Is this right?”
I was trying to make the foam the right consistency.

“Mhm. Now focus, this technique is important if you want to do foam art”
He then proceeded to carefully pour the foam.

He tilted the cup of coffee and the foam started to spread, and he made a heart, and he did it slowly as promised. He then handed the foam to me, and asked me to try.

I already messed up one side of the heart, and Sunghoon’s tall shadow hovering behind me wasn't helping.

When I finished, I looked at Sunghoon, and he stared at the coffee blankly. Was he about to scold me or completely give up on me?

“It takes practice. You'll get it soon. Let's take a break”
He said.

I let out the breath I was holding in and sat down.

Maybe he'll start to warm up to me now.


There weren't many customers at this hour and the cafe was pretty empty with the exception of two guys together. They were quite good looking too. I couldn't resist stealing glances at them.

“They're no good. I see them come here with new girls every two weeks”
Sunghoon spoke behind me, which made me flinch.

“I was just looking, not planning to hit on them. Could you not make assumptions?”
I responded.

“I only said that because you've been staring for ten minutes straight. Look, they're leaving because you creeped them out”
He pointed at them as they actually walked out the door.

“Ugh, I never asked for your input. Whatever I'm going to the bathroom”
I walked away to the bathroom.

On the way out, I remembered that the front counter was out of straws so I went to the staff room to get a new pack. When I found the cabinet that had the straws, something else caught my eye.

It was a red book. I took it and flipped through it page by page to see drawings. Drawings of all sorts of things. Butterflies gardens, unique houses which were all so beautiful.

I had only reached the 5th page when I heard Sunghoon calling my name. I put the book back and grabbed the new pack of straws before heading back out.

“Yeah? Need anything?”
I saw him.

“I was wondering if you want to learn how to make a frappe today too. There's no one around”
He pointed to the coffee machine.

“Oh sure. Let me restock the straws first. It ran out”
I was relieved and did so before heading to where Sunghoon was standing.

“Let's start?”
He grabbed the cups and I nodded.

Throughout the time he talked, my mind kept going back to the drawings I saw earlier.

Were those perhaps Sunghoon's drawings?

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