Chapter 7

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Hoyeon's pov

Two weeks passed since the incident and Sunghoon started to soften up with me over time at the cafe. He could comfortably crack jokes with me and I'd do the same

Mrs Hye even noticed when she came in to check on how we were doing once in a while. She felt happy that her grandson had gotten out of his shell by being close to me. It's safe to say that we're friends now.

It was a busy morning, proven by the long line of customers queuing. Sunghoon was the one making their coffees now.

“You okay? Need a hand?”
I asked him.

“No I'm alright”
He reassured me.

Some time passed and it came to the last customer. When I met his gaze, I tensed up. The motorist, again.

“Looks like we meet again. The world must be a small place”
He said.

“May I take your order?”
I ignored him.

“I'd like a cup of mocha”
He said.

I keyed in the order and then had to wait there awkwardly as Sunghoon made it for him.

“Why don't you sit with me until I finish my coffee? It won't take long”
He leaned against his arms on the counter.

“Can't you see I'm working?”
I asked.

“Do you see any more customers? Exactly. I'm not asking you to pluck out the stars from the sky, I just want to sit with you”
He moved out of the way to show that there wasn't anyone behind him.

“You can't force her. And you surely have ulterior motives”
Sunghoon said, placing the cup of mocha on the counter.

“It's rude to eavesdrop, you know. Isn't this your prince charming? He needs to learn some manners”
Niki rolled his eyes.

“You want to talk about manners? Pathetic. I'm not going to sit with you unless you promise to never come back here and disturb me again”
I told him.

“Bet. Come over. And he stays right where he is”
He pointed to Sunghoon and took his mocha, sitting down at a table for two.

I sighed and followed Niki, but Sunghoon grabbed my wrist gently, making me turn around.

“Are you sure you're okay with this?”
He asked with concern.

“I'm okay. I'm right in front of your eyes, relax. After this he'll leave me alone”
I gave him a smile.

He nodded and released my arm. I walked over to Niki and sat down in front of him as he sipped on his drink.

“So, Hoyeon. Why are you working here? You'd be fit for a model, you know that right? It's a waste to stay here”
He looked at my name tag.

“It's temporary. It's just to earn money until I secure a position in the company I want”
I replied.

“But here? Was there no better choice?”
He looked disgusted.

“It's nice here. Don't try and degrade me”
I told him.

“Whatever. I can secure you in any company you want. Name it and I can put in a good word for you”
He said nonchalantly.

“And what kind of power do you have to be able to say that?’
I arched a brow.

“My dad owns half the town. I'm sure the company you wish to be hired in is under my dad too”
He sipped on his mocha.

He answered my question so casually, it makes me ask myself whether these rich people know how privileged they are. It was as if that fact was no big deal.

“It's ****Wave. I want to work there”
I said.

“Even better. My mom works there too. Good choice, it gives good pay. I can make it happen just for you, pretty”
Niki said, and he sounded genuine this time.

I was really hesitant about it. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, but this just means he'll hang around me more right?

“No. I should earn my spot, not through you or anyone else”
I declined his offer.

“Suit yourself, but the offer is always open if you ever change your mind. Here's my number. Now before your boyfriend burns a hole through me with his eyes, you better get back to him”
Niki glanced behind me to look at Sunghoon, probably staring.

“He's not my boyfriend!”
I said, but he didn't bother to turn around and just waved it off.

Niki left a piece of paper on the table and I put it in my wallet, returning to Sunghoon. When he saw me coming, he suddenly turned away to wash his hands.

“He's rich and annoying”
I mumbled under my breath.

“What did he do? Did he make you uncomfortable? Or did he threaten you?”
Sunghoon came over to me.

“No, it's nothing serious. Don't worry about it too much. Gosh, you're so cute when you're worried about me. Can I?”
I held up a finger, gesturing whether I could poke his cheek.

“What? No way! I wasn't worried about you. That guy simply doesn't sit right with me”
He gently pushed my hand away while shaking his head.

“You can deny it all you want, but just know I appreciate it”
I chuckled at him being flustered.

Sunghoon didn't say anything and just sat down. I followed and sat beside him, enjoying his presence for some time.

(At home, 6pm)

“How long are you going to work at that stupid cafe? It's paying you so low, Hoyeon. You're not going to survive with this much”
My mom asked, her forehead creasing.

“It's just for a while more. Besides it's just to earn some extra cash before I get into ****Wave. I'm looking for ways to get a job there. Can you trust me on this?”
I tried to reason out with her.

“You've been working at this cafe for over a month. What makes you think I can trust you? You better get that job before the next month”
She warned me.

“I'm trying my best”
I said, my mood instantly dropping.

“This is your best? You're going to be on your own soon as well, Hoyeon. I'm not here forever. And look at your sister, she's already married and has a well off husband. You have to do better than your ‘best’, or you'll struggle”
My mom then left, slamming the door on her way out.

I sighed and I couldn't control the tears already rolling down my face. She always compares me to my sister.

Always the never good enough daughter.

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