Chapter 15

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(3 years later, wedding day)

Hoyeon's pov

An eruption of cheers were heard when Sunghoon kissed me in front of the crowd. Many emotions overwhelmed me, but the most obvious one was joy. As we pulled away, we giggled and bowed to everyone.

“Save the tears, you're gonna ruin your makeup”
Sunghoon wiped a tear that escaped my eye while I scoffed playfully.

He was so handsome today, all put together. The fact that he's my husband now is still so unbelievable. I engulfed him in a hug, so thankful that I'm able to spend the rest of my life with him.

“Hey, congrats guys!”
A familiar deep voice spoke.

I peeked behind Sunghoon and saw Niki.

“Thank you”
Sunghoon and I said in sync.

“How are you?”
Sunghoon asked Niki.

“Great. Wow, I never really imagined you in a suit before. Looking good. You look pretty nice yourself, Hoyeon”
Niki then looked at me.

“Thanks. By the way, where's your girl? I sent her an invitation too”
I asked, since she was nowhere to be seen.

Niki had started dating her just a few months ago. He's been busy taking care and came by our cafe less. She was nice to me too, I felt happy for them.

“Hoarding food for both of us. She really likes it, or maybe because it's free”
Niki laughed, and I did too.

“Tell her I said thank you for coming alright? Enjoy the food”
I smiled.

“Will do”
He then bid goodbye.

Sunghoon and I sat back down. The next two hours were spent chatting with guests and taking pictures with relatives, many of which I haven't met. It was definitely tiring, but I'll need to get used to it.

That's until my mom and sister came on stage. Finally, faces I recognised.

“You look beautiful. Congratulations, Hoyeon”
My mom said, a smile on her face.

“Same here. I finally get to see my little nugget married”
My sister pinched my cheek.

“Gosh, you don't ever stop with that name”
I hit her hand away.

My sister had always called me by that ever since we were kids. We were only 4 years apart…okay she's way older but, that's such a childish way to call someone.

“Will never. Sunghoon, right? Nice to meet you. Haven't heard much about you, but I trust that you'll take care of my little nugget?”
She shifted her attention to the male beside me.

“Of course. You have my word”
He replied.

We took a group photo together. My mom and sister were about to leave, but I saw Mrs Hye walking up onto the stage too.

“Mrs Hye, come join us for a photo!”
I exclaimed.

I made space beside me and let her sit. At least I'll have a photo with my closest family, the people I treasured most. The camera clicked, and I thanked everyone.

Mrs Hye stayed to chat with the both of us for a while, saying how grateful she was to see her grandson married off to someone he loves so much.

“I should be the more grateful one. You were the one who made me meet him in the first place”
I said and she nodded.

“I'm not getting any younger, so seeing Sunghoon married makes me reassured that he won't be alone once my time is up”
She held my hand.

“Don't say that! Today is meant to be happy, you're talking like you're leaving me tomorrow”
Sunghoon said.

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