Chapter 12

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Sunghoon's pov

Hoyeon texted me to say that she fully settled into her new apartment today, and she invited me to come visit her. She shared that the other night that her mom was furious when she heard about it.

I told Mrs Hye about her situation and she offered to let Hoyeon stay at our place on tuesday night. She looked happier than ever when we told her we were a couple now.

We had a good talk over dinner and Hoyeon slept in my room that night. She started moving her stuff into the apartment these past few days after that rich guy gave her the key.

I still wondered who he actually was. It might be an old classmate of hers that she didn't remember? Regardless, what he did recently was really generous. I was denying my own jealousy.

“How's Hoyeon? Is she done setting up her apartment?”
Mrs Hye asked.

“Yes, she invited me to visit her. I'll go after work”
I replied.

“Why don't you go visit her now? I can take over today. I haven't handled the machine in months”
She suggested.

“But what if it gets too busy in the cafe?”
I asked, worried.

“There's nothing your grandmother can't handle. Just go, she's excited to show you around”
She shooed me away.

I laughed and removed my apron, chucking it in a corner and then leaving as I thanked her. I texted Hoyeon that I was on the way. It was just across the street so I didn't have to walk far.

When I reached her apartment, the door was already slightly open. I knocked and was greeted by Hoyeon's happy face.

“I didn't know you'd come so early! You're skipping work?”
She said, hugging me.

“I texted you just a few minutes ago. It's okay, and Mrs Hye decided to take over for us today”
I smiled back.

“That's sweet. Come in. By the way I have to finish a bit more paperwork with Niki about the apartment. You could take a look around”
She said, and walked towards the living room where the same rich guy who I assumed was Niki.

“Just sign here and here, then leave the rest to me”
Niki instructed and she followed.

“Great, I'll leave before your boyfriend chases me out”
He packed his stuff up and got up, walking towards the door.

“Wait, Niki”
I called out.

He turned and waited for me to say something.

“Thank you for helping Hoyeon out, I didn't mean to be rude to you in the past. It was that time at the mall which made me cautious of you”
I explained, hoping that he'd understand.

“No, it's cool. My fault”
Niki glanced at Hoyeon.

I nodded.

“If you ever want to come by to talk, hang out, I don't mind. That's if you're free. Oh, one more thing, would you mind not calling her pretty?”
I said, quite shy about it.

“Sure and sure. Shes all yours, I heard you two made it official. See you around then”
Niki opened the door and then left.

“Finally making friends. I hope you two will get along. Now let me show you around”
She held my arm and dragged me to her room.

It was a small apartment, just nice for her to live on her own. A bedroom, living room and kitchen. Looked really cozy to me. Her room was decorated with fairy lights and a light purple bed sheet.

“Isn't it cute?”
She asked.

“Maybe It'd be a little more cuter if there was a poster of me in your room”
I teased her.

“Hoon, that's not happening”
She hit me lightly and I had to contain my laughter.

I noticed that from her bedroom window, we could see the cafe opposite the street. Other than that, she made it very comfortable for herself. She then brought me to the kitchen.

“I don't know how to cook yet, but I'll order takeout or eat ramen”
She scratched her head.

“I could always ask Mrs Hye to cook to up some extra food that you could reheat here”
I told her and she agreed to it.

“Wanna watch a movie?”
She walked over to the living room again.

“Sure, you choose”
We settled on the couch together.

After deciding on one, we watched quietly. She crossed her legs and leaned forward, watching attentively. Throughout the movie, I heard her soft giggles at the scenes.

She was so cute, especially with that little dimple. I put an arm around her, and played with her small hand. Gently playing with her fingers, she got distracted and moved closer to me still looking down at our hands.

She wrapped her fingers around my thumb and laughed. I kissed her temple in response.

“Is the movie so boring that you have to play with my hand?”
She looked up at me.

“No, but you keep giggling at that handsome actor”
I pouted, trying to be upset.

“Hoon, it's because it was funny to see how he panicked when the girl was coming towards him”
She said.

“I was joking, darling. I know I'm more handsome than him”
I stroked her hair once.

Hoyeon raised her eyebrows in shock.

“Mhm. Don't like it?”
I asked.

“I love it, dummy”
She giggled once more.

We went back to watching the movie until it ended.

I need me a romcom like that between Hoyeon and I.


A/n: I'm running out of ideas 🫡 This story was meant to be short though. At most, there'll be 3-4 more chapters and then an epilogue. Thank you for those consistently supporting 🤍🤍

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