Chapter 9

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(3 days later)

Hoyeon's pov

Sunghoon and I were conversing with each other until we were interrupted by Mrs Hye tapping him on the shoulder.

She pulled him aside and was whispering something to him. I didn't want to look nosy so I stared into space while waiting for them to finish. However, Sunghoon sounded shocked. I fought to turn around.

“She's on the way now, welcome her warmly with some coffee”
Mrs Hye said.

Someone is coming here?

Mrs Hye left and my eyes met with Sunghoon's worried ones.

“Everything alright?”
I asked.

“My ex is coming to visit me…she's apparently here with her family for vacation and wanted to drop by the cafe”
He tapped his finger against the counter.

“Oh I'm sure she's just here to see how you're doing. You shouldn't be worried, she was good to you”
I replied.

“I hope so”
His eyes dropped to the ground.

15 minutes later

A customer walked in, her curls falling nicely and a fuzzy jacket draped over her shoulders. She was looking directly at Sunghoon, and he stiffened up.

That must be Sera.

“You're still here, the same old you. You still remember my regular, right hoon?”
Her lips pulled up into a sweet smile.

“Y-yeah. Let me make it for you”
He said and then ended up fumbling and dropping the cup on the ground.

He picked it up and made her order, his ears turning red by the second. Way to go ‘prince charming’.

“And you must be new here?”
Sera asked

I made eye contact with the girl, and nodded immediately.

“It's going to hit the two month mark soon”
I laughed awkwardly, she doesn't know me at all.

“It's cozy here, isn't it? I used to work here by the way. It was nice while it lasted”
She scanned the cafe again, refreshing her memory.

“Well yeah, it's nice here”
I replied.

Sunghoon finally finished and saved me another word coming out from my mouth  by giving Sera the coffee.

“Mind coming to talk over coffee? Please?? It felt like forever since I saw you”
Sera pleaded Sunghoon.

“Sure, of course”
He answered instantly and followed Sera to a table nearby.

He was quick to leave all the work to me, but I'll let it slide because that guy has been upset over it for too long. Catching up with things isn't a problem, it's just a normal conversation, or..something more.

Everytime I tried to distract myself by cleaning the counter or washing spoons, Sunghoon and Sera clouded my mind. My eyes kept finding my way back to Sunghoon and at some point he was laughing and smiling.

What could be so funny between two exes talking to each other?

I told myself to snap out of it, but seeing him laughing with another girl, especially his ex, just scratches the wrong part of my brain.

It's evident in his smile that he still has leftover feelings for her. I understand that, but she'd be going back to the states again. I don't think he should get ahead of himself while she's here. He'll just get himself hurt in the process.

As I stood there for the next hour on my own, serving customers and sneaking glances at Sunghoon, envy seeped into my veins.

You don't even own him, Hoyeon.

I swear I'm not even this agitated on my period. Sera must be such a nice girl, and I'm sure she came here to ask about him because she had to leave Sunghoon abruptly. I shouldn't feel this way.

But why am I feeling this way?

(An hour later)

I was coming out the bathroom, and as I was leaving, I bumped into the wall, or so I thought. I groaned in pain.

“Woah, are you okay? I didn't know you were in there”
A hand was placed on my forehead, then stroking it.

“Sunghoon? You're back”
I realised who it was.

“Yeah, sorry for leaving you back here. Wait, you owed me one for the time I scared off that jerk at the mall. Consider this as your way of paying back”
He let go of my head.

“Finee, fair enough”
(Not really)

“All was good. Sera was telling me about how she missed working here and brought up the old times. I can't believe she still remembers all the fun things we did together”
Sunghoon started rambling about his chat with Sera.

“Ohh, that's great. You two still have great chemistry even after so long”
I replied, giving a weak smile.

“Right? She's coming back tomorrow, and she said she wanted to meet up on the weekend to hang out. You're okay with covering for me just one more day, right??”
He held up his pointer finger.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he looked at me with puppy eyes.

Please? My dear colleague
He pouted, trying to persuade me with his cuteness.

“Okay. It's just one more day anyway”
I gave in to him.

“Thank you!!”
He hugged me tightly and swayed me side to side really fast.

“Hoon! Customers might see us!”
I giggled, secretly enjoying the moment.

“Then they need to mind their own business and let a man thank his best barista”
He pulled his head back to look at me.

Sh*t his face is so close to mine, oh and f*ck, his smile, his smile.

“By the way, did you buy a new perfume?”
Sunghoon moved his head slightly closer to my neck and smelled the new scent.

“W-well yes. Thought I'd try something different”
I stuttered because of how close we are right now.

“You smell really good. Wear it more often”
He finally stepped away from me and I let out a breath, nodding to his words.

“And how about you take a break now, I'll handle the rest of the customers today. You had a tiring day”
Sunghoon suggested and I agreed.

The rest of the time, I sat down and went on my phone to kill time.

One minute he was making me jealous, and in the next he's showering me with attention.

It's seriously confusing me.

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