That might have cleared up some question but you're probably still sitting with a few so let me help you out.
After the break I went off the grid so I could focus on piecing back my life. That included getting Arlo adopted and Carl in prison for life. Which was both really hard. One of them was unsuccessful.
Arlo and I share a complicated family dynamic—we each have different dads. Legally speaking, the parental rights and custody belonged to Arlo's biological father, since our mother wasn't in a position to care for him. This meant I had to navigate the challenging process of convincing him (Arlo bio dad) to relinquish those rights to me. But it finally happened on Febuary 1st, Harry's birthday. My new lucky day.
Carl, my abusive ex, was sentenced to probation for his felony charges. However, it didn't take long for him to break the terms of his probation. Which led to him FINALLY getting some jail time and a restraining order that states he can't be in a 500 ft radius of me.
After the adoption, court and just dealing with Carl. We finally could start thinking about ourselves a little more. I had to work out where we should live permanently. Where Arlo should start school and how I wanted my future to look like. Which leads me to...
[Febuary 21st, 2014]...the day I have been waiting for.
I rush to the door, swinging it open with a laugh because Arlo and Hagrid are joking and being silly in the living room.
"Hey!" my dad's uncertain voice greets me from the doorstep.
"Dad!" I exclaim, slightly surprised. "Or Peter, sorry."
"Hi. Um, I know you said you needed time to think about us and our relationship, but I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd swing by..." he trails off awkwardly.
I nod slowly, taking in his words. "Okay, um, come in," I say, stepping aside to let him enter.
Arlo and Hagrid pause their play, sensing the tension in the air.
"Arlo, this is..." I hesitate, unsure of how to introduce Peter; technically, he isn't Arlo's dad, just mine. "...Peter."
Arlo furrows his brows, clearly confused, then seeks my approval with a glance. I nod, confirming I'm okay and this stranger is approachable. "Hey," he greets Peter before diving back into the game.
"And Hagrid this is Peter," I add, though Hagrid seems more interested in his toys than acknowledging the newcomer.
"Do you guys need anything? Food, drinks? Anything?" I offer, but they both shake their heads.
"Okay, then. I'll just go have a talk with... Peter in the kitchen, okay?" I suggest, receiving nods in response as me and dad make our way into the kitchen.
"So, do you need anything? Coffee?" I ask once we're alone.
"Yeah, I could drink a coffee," Peter replies.
"Okay," I open the cabinet and pick out two mugs. "So how... are you?" I stumble over my words, not really knowing what else to say.
"I'm good, Noa. How are you doing?" he asks gently as i scoot over his coffee.
"Fine, I'm doing fine," I reply with a forced smile.
"I'm sorry for everything, I just want a relationship with you," he confesses with a heavy exhale.
The statement hangs in the air, filling the room with a deafening silence before I take a deep breath. "Dad, I've waited for you say that my whole life, i have waited for you to want me and fight for our relationship. Every single day, every weekend, every birthday, every Christmas, every New Year—I waited. I just wanted you to change, to show up but you didn't. Not once. Now, when I look at Arlo and what he means to me, I realize I could never put him through the same kind of disappointment. The waiting endlessly for someone that only gives him false hope and empty promises. I don't say this to make you feel bad; I... I don't. I truly love you. But I need you to understand this for us to have a relationship. You made promises, one after another, and you never kept them. I've become a woman of my word because you weren't. I don't want you to apologize anymore. I want change. So if you can change, show me, and then we'll see." I explain as I take a sip of my coffee waiting for him to answer.

H.S | Same song, second verse | Second book
Fanfiction[This is a sequel to "When the Flash Fades"] Harry and Noa were once inseparable, bound by their shared passion for music and an undeniable connection. Three years have passed, and their lives have taken different paths. But fate-or whatever higher...