Chapter 28. From laughter to tears

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[October 25th, 2016]

"Okay, what about this one?" I strut in like I'm on a runway.

Harry laughs, shaking his head. "Nope! What are you supposed to be?"

"I don't know, something circus-related, I think," I reply, looking down at myself, confused.

He laughs again. "Next!"

I walk into my closet and change into the next costume. "You're gonna love this one!" I call out, laughing.

"Oh really?" He turns on his side on my bed.

I walk out in a short nurse costume. "Oops, I dropped something." I bend over, pretending to pick something up, laughing.

"Oh. My. God. Jesus, help me!" He lies back, pretending to pray, making me laugh even harder.

As I change into my next outfit, I hear Harry muttering to himself, still chuckling. "What's next? A pirate? A superhero?"

I smirk to myself, slipping into a pirate costume, complete with an eye patch and a toy sword. "Ahoy, matey!" I shout, bursting into the room while giggling.

Harry bursts into laughter. "I knew it! You look ridiculous!"

I twirl the sword dramatically. "Prepare to be boarded, Captain!"

He sits up, wiping tears from his eyes. "Alright, alright, I surrender. What's your next masterpiece?"

I dash back to the closet, quickly changing into a superhero costume, complete with a cape and mask. "Here I come to save the day!" I declare, striking a heroic pose.

Harry rolls over, laughing uncontrollably. "I can't breathe!"

"Mission accomplished," I say, grinning. I walk over to the bed and sit beside him, still chuckling. "Alright, your turn."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh no, I am not getting into any crazy costumes."

"Oh come on," I nudge him playfully. "Just one." I hand him a bag. "I picked something special just for you."

Harry takes the bag and heads to the closet. Moments later, he steps out wearing a giant inflatable dinosaur costume. I double over with laughter.

"Rawr," he says in a monotone voice, trying to look menacing but failing miserably.

"Best. Costume. Ever," I manage to say between laughs.

Harry shakes his head, the dinosaur tail swishing comically. "I hate you,"

"Yeah, yeah," I say, opening my arms. "Come here, you goofball." and he walks into my embrace while I still laugh.

We collapse onto the bed, the laughter subsiding into comfortable silence. Harry looks at me, still in the dinosaur custome. "Would you be seen with me in this custom?"

I choke out a giggle, "Mh-hmm," I force, not sounding convincing.

He gasps, pulling away. "I can't believe you!" He stands up trying to look angry but just dosen't because of the dinosaur he looks adorable.

"Aww, you look so cute!" I exclaim.

"Don't aww me!" he tries but we both burst out laughing. "I'm a grown man!"

"NO! you're my little dino baby!" I laugh as he flails his tiny T-rex arms at me in mock indignation. I grab my phone and snap a picture. "This one's going on the fridge," I tease.

Harry playfully lunges at me, trying to grab the phone. "Oh no you didn't!"

We wrestle for a bit, both of us laughing too hard to put up much of a fight. Eventually, he manages to pin me down, his inflatable dinosaur belly pressing into me. "Give me the phone," he demands, grinning.

H.S | Same song, second verse | Second bookWhere stories live. Discover now