chapter 1

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A girl was tapping her foot furiously under a table, she seemed stress. "Where the fuck is this girl?!" She was tapping the screen of her phone furiously like she was trying to dial's someone's number.

"Would you like something to drink maam?" A waiter approached her smiling kindly at her. She then shakes her head indicating as a 'No'. Then her eyes lit up and put her phone near her ear

"WHAT THE FUCK GIRL?! I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU LIKE 18 TIMES" she shouted "calm down Kim I was just practicing for my upcoming new song, chill okay" Kim rolled her eyes "really? I thought you said last night you are not going to be busy today?" She said annoyed

"sorry, I lied I was so sleepy to talk to you last night that's why I just agreed to you sorry hihi" the girl on the other side of the phone said "what?!! You're always doing this to me Y/N! Next time I see you I will choke you to death" Kim said with a playful smirk on her face "pls no, I promise I will help you get closer to Kyle oppa" she said quickly "fine but you better, I gotta hang up now I need to go to my sister's school" Y/N said okay and said goodbye.

A beautiful woman was sitting on the floor, she was wearing a fitted white t-shirt with black sweatpants, her eyes was a woody brown and her dark brown hair was tied in a high pony tail drenched in sweat and was heavily panting "argh finally practice is done, I can go home now I miss my baby dog" she stood up and went out of the room.

The weather was nice not too sunny and also not too cloudy just perfect just like the woman who went out of the huge building and quickly get inside her car.

Once she got inside her car She turned on her playlist, while she was vibing to the music, her phone rang she quickly answered it "Hello?" She asked while driving "hello there my great great granddaughter" the woman on the phone said "oh hey lola what's up? How are you?" She smiled once hearing her fav great great grandmother's voice "I'm okay my dear" she said "can you come to our mansion right now?" The woman asked with hopeful voice "why lola? Is something wrong? Did someth-" she was cut off by the voice of the woman on the phone "no dear it's just I missed you, you were so busy lately and I need to tell you something"

The girl hesitated but agree's anyways "okay lola I'm heading there right now" the woman on the phone said okay and hang up.

The woman reached her destination parked her car outside the mansion. She sees a maid watering the garden and once the maid spot her she smiled widely "Y/N oh my god it's been ages since I last saw you" she said and came forward to hug the woman "I missed you too mia" she said hugging her back "I gotta go inside I stink haha" Y/N said while running inside the maid sighed and chuckled and continued her work.

Once she's inside she spotted her great grandpa and said hello to her and quickly went upstairs to her old room to take a bath ( yk guys I can't stand it when I'm sticky bcs of sweat)

After she was done she wore this (without the purse)

She went downstairs and already saw her great great grandma, she said hello to her and also her caretaker

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She went downstairs and already saw her great great grandma, she said hello to her and also her caretaker. "So what did you wanna tell me lola?" She asked curiously "it's time for you to know about the tradition"
Hi beauty! What do you think the tradition is? So every chapter I will add a pic of each member of BTS that'll make you fall in love char but I hope you enjoy this I'm sorry it's too short, I promise I will update tmr. Bye byeee beauty always remember you're a beauty💜💋

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