Chapter 6

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Author's POV

She got up from her bed and decided to take a shower to forget her hella of a dream. The Luke warm water ran all the way down to her body, her muscles relax at the feeling and her mind was at peace now.

30 mins later

She went out from her room she went to the living room, halfway there she notice that the lights were on. She proceeded to go there and saw that her mom, dad, Min-hyuk, flor and Kim were there discussing about something, they noticed her and her brother stood up from the couch .

"My baby sis~" Min-hyuk said while opening his arms indicating a hug. She ran up to him and hugged him like a koala. He gladly hug her back tightly.

"Oppa I missed you so much" she said with teary eyes and looked up from her brother. Her brother cupped her face and said.

"Pls don't cry, why are you crying?" Her brother said while wiping her tears away.

"Because as much as I miss you and wanted to spend time with you while you're I can't, I have to go to that stupid portal or other world I don't know what that shit called I don't care!" She cried out while burying her face in her brother's chest.

"Shh it's okay sis there is always a next time" her brother said. But she didn't answered him and kept sobbing. Then footsteps were heard and everyone turned their heads towards the sounds including you. Your nose was red including your eyes and it was puffy.

Your lola went up close to you holding a book, she asked you to touch the book. Once you touched the book there was something in you that had been awoke. It glowed purple.

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The wind suddenly became a little stronger and chilly. You're chills went down your spine. Her lola's eyes closed and took a deep breath.

"It's time, do you have everything you need? The letter is it with you?" You nodded while flor and Kim handed you the bags, it was about 3 bags but you have a strong body because of hours of practice for your songs.

"Do you remember all the things I said to you?" You nodded "yes lola".

"Let's start the ritual" you took a deep breath and nodded and followed your lola in her room others were also following. Kim was having tears in her eyes and your mother was crying already while your father comforted her.

"Y/n pls be careful in there. I don't know why the hell am I crying. I'm gonna miss you bish" Kim said while hugging you, you immediately hugged her back and flor said "group hug! By the way Y/n maybe you meet a handsome daddy in there maybe you can tell him about me you know just kidding but really I will miss you too my goat friend. You're my favorite goat forever hmm?" She said hugging you two. You just rolled your eyes at her.

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