Chapter 9

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Someone's POV

I was walking through the dungeon looking for my brother Taehyung. Then a guard came up to me and said "My prince I have come here to inform you that Prince Taehyung is currently torturing the spy that our enemy sent. Please come with me." The guard said while kneeling in front of him while looking down. The unknown person just nodded and followed the guard.

The dungeon is full of dry and fresh blood, everywhere you look there is a prison and inside it was either criminals, thieves, or women who got pregnant by the higher ranking. The people in this dungeon are either innocent or guilty. The ministers in the castle don't follow the laws of the kingdom, everyone knows it but didn't protest against it. When the prisoners saw them, they began to cry and scream "PLEASE YOUR HIGHNESS, I AM INNOCENT. PLEASE HAVE MERCY YOUR HIGHNESS." Someone said "LET ME OUTTTT!!!!" An old woman shouted while trying to reach the prince. She was pale and skinny you could see it even if it's so dark inside the dungeon. Suddenly a guard knocked her out and beat her to death. The unknown prince just rolled his eyes and continued walking. Then the guard stopped walking and signaled the other guard that was holding a porch to come near while the other guard was trying to open the door. You could hear a man shouting and moaning because of the pain. The unknown prince just closed his eyes and breathed the air. "Ahh what a good melody that is. I swear if my brother already killed that shit without me" the unknown prince said. The door finally opened then the guards bowed their heads while the prince held his chin up showing pride and power. He went inside, inside was so much blood, fresh blood he walked closer behind his brother who was laughing at the man whose feet were on fire. He patted his brother's shoulders while smirking then went to a wooden table filled with all kinds of knives, daggers, axe, etc. He chooses a small knife with sparkling eyes like a little kid who got the toy he wanted. He traces the knife with his fingers while the knife was spotless. It seems like the knife was trying to impress the unknown prince. He went near the man who was sweating badly and got showered with his own blood. The man was tied up in a chair, he widened his eyes as he saw Prince Yoongi coming towards him while smirking. He started to wiggle trying to get the ropes undone while shouting "AHHH HELP MEEE SOMEBODY HELPP DO NOT COME NEAR ME PLEASE I BEG YOU" he said while crying. Prince Yoongi just burst out laughing like the man was telling a funny joke. Suddenly he stopped laughing and smiled evilly and said "aww too late" he said and quickly stabbed the man in his left thigh. The man screamed at the top of his lungs and Yoongi painstakingly slowly pulled the small knife down to his knees. The man screamed for him to stop, the man could hear his flesh getting cut by the small knife. Then Yoongi pulled out the knife and did the same to his other thigh. He again pulled out the small knife and licked the knife then spit it out after a few seconds, his face grimaced at the taste of it. "argh what the fuck is that? Your blood tastes like shit" Yoongi said while Taehyung just nodded. Then Taehyung signaled one of his men to come near, after a few minutes the guard came back with a bucket of water. Then Taehyung nodded to the guard and the guard came close to the man tied up and poured the water to the man's wounds. The tied man screamed and begged them to stop but they just turned a deaf ears to him "aw you thought it was only water? It has salt in it fool" Taehyung said while smirking.The guards in the room were terrified and they were trembling in fear. "Now think before you turn your back on us because we are watching" Yoongi said and went out Taehyung who was sitting on a throne like chair told the guards to cut his head and burned him and went out.


Author's POV

Morning came and Y/n woke up from the sunlight hitting her face. She furrowed her eyebrows and slowly opened her eyes. "argh morning already?! Why do I feel like in this world they relapsed my sleep." She said and groaned. She sit up and stretched. She looked out the window and saw that the weather was nice, now she got a motivation to do her routine. She stood up and ran to the bathroom she did her business and did her morning routine and came out wearing this.

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