Chapter 16

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Author's POV

Morning came and Y/n was still sleeping with a frown. She was shaking her head slowly and Arin also woke up and looked at her, confusion written on her face. She sat up and went near her, she knew she was having a nightmare. She tried shaking her softly in attempt to wake her up.

Y/n's POV

I was wandering inside the castle, I knew I was dreaming right now so I just wandered around her. As I was walking, I heard someone talking and it lead to one of the golden doors. I remembered Arin telling me not to go in a room with golden doors, she said it was the Royal's chambers or one of their rooms that they do not want any one inside especially servants but of course I did not listen, I mean this is my dream I can do what I want. I slowly twist the knob and peeked inside and saw a man in his nightwear he was reading a book and was talking to himself. "Why do I have to do all the responsibilities in here?! I am not the oldest and I cannot seem to have time to rest why Jin hyung is busy with fucking girls in his harem-" suddenly he stopped talking and said "who are you? Why are you here?" He said I flinched and stumbled on my feet and accidentally opened the door wide, resulting in me to land on the floor flat on my face "ouch my nose" I said then the man hesitated if he should help me or not but then sighed and stood up from his study table and went near me. He offered his hand for me to take, I gladly took it. I rubbed my nose and looked at him, I got mesmerized by his beauty he was so bulky and his muscles were slightly visible, his hair was a mess but he still looked so handsome. I shook my head to erased the dirty thoughts starting to distract me, I thanked him and was about to turn around and go outside when he grabbed my wrist, I looked at him tilting my head a little confused. "Um..y-you..I have not seen you before in here, are you new here?" He asked, I have second thoughts if I should tell him why I am here and said "yes" then I looked at his hand still holding my wrist, he looked down too and noticed his hand he quickly retreated his hand and scratched his nape.

Namjoon's POV

I was reading a book and was mumbling about how tired I am doing all the responsibilities in here. Suddenly I sensed someone looking at me, I quickly stopped in my tracks and said "Who are you? Why are you here?" I said irritated then I heard the door opened and I look behind me and saw a girl fell straight to the floor. I smiled for secs but it quickly faded, I was thinking if I should help her or not before I could answer my own question. I stood up and went near her and offered my hand to her. She took it gladly and she was standing, she rubbed her nose and looked at me and said thank you. I could not take my eyes off in her eyes, her eyes were almond and brown something is pulling me to her I can tell it. After she rubbed her nose I got a proper look at her face. I was stunned, she was.... Beautiful her beauty is so alluring and beauteous. She is so divine, she is like the daughter of Aphrodite, her soft eyes that are looking up at me and her cute nose and her lips is so inviting its like her lips are seeking attention from someone and I would be honored to give that pink cherry lips the attention. I wondered if her lips taste- wait what am I thinking. Suddenly she turned around and was about to leave when I grabbed her wrist, I don't want her to leave just yet I want to look at her more maybe forever if she would grant me that. She looked at me eyes full of curiosity and she tilted her head a little 'cute' I thought "um.. y-you..I have not seen you in here before are you new here?" Fuck did I just stuttered?! Never in my life did I ever stutter everything I do I am always confident but now I just stutter for a girl?! She hesitated and said "yes" god her voice is like honey so sweet.

Y/n's POV

"My name is Namjoon, may I know your name?" He said "oh nice to meet you Namjoon, I am Y/n" I said and smiled, I saw his ears and neck slightly turned red "um do you want to hang out and maybe read books?" He said shyly "I have a small library in here and it has all the genres you want" he continued, I thought about it well if I say no it would be so boring wandering around here alone and he seems like a nice guy. I said "sure" and smiled a little, I saw his eyes lit up and a grin formed in his lips then he grabbed my hand and lead to a shelf, he pulled a book and I saw the shelf opened in half like a door then I saw a small library

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