Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV:
The girl was shocked to hear that from her great great grandmother. No one told her about any of this, she didn't even know that their family followed some kind of tradition.

"Do you still remember the story that I told you when you were 6?" Her grandmother asked, the girl hesitated but nodded slowly.

Flashback 13 years ago
"Lola lola!" A little girl ran towards the old woman, and the old woman chuckled "oh my dear y/nie be careful you might get hurt" "are you excited about the story that i promised to tell you last week?" The old woman asked, the little girl named Y/n nodded her head excitedly and pulled her great great grandma towards her room. Once she got inside her room she sat excitedly on the floor and let her lola sit in a chair.

"Okay okay I will tell you now, do you believe in magic my dear?" The little girl shook her head as a 'no'. "Okay then the story I'm about to tell you will change your mind" the old woman said.

"Once upon a time there was a kingdom named Alynthi, this kingdom was known for its hidden secrets and one of them is magic. In their world fairies and witches exist."
"Does that mean vampires also exist in their world?"
The little girl asked
"Yes my dear, Queen Glyn and King Arthur were the first king and queen to rule their kingdom. The citizens of this kingdom were so happy because they knew that this couple was kind hearted and they believed that the couple could make their life easier."
Her lola said.

"Time passed the kingdom bloomed like a flower the citizens were content with what they received, they were not starved to death unlike before. Eventually the kingdom was known for its good fruits and vegetables that the citizens grew. And for the good stones that they have found in their kingdom."

"Sadly, the king died in a war and the queen couldn't handle the pain and got ill and eventually died. Since the king and queen had only one son, he became a king his name is King Julius and he married a princess from the neighboring kingdom. King Julius and Queen Mary the couple were hated so much by their citizens because after they started their reign in this kingdom, all the people in this kingdom suffered because of lack of food and in winter lots of people died of starvation. The King and Queen were so greedy for power and fame. All the farmers have no food at all because the Queen wanted all the fruits and vegetables to be sold to other kingdoms and also the stones that the citizens found must be surrendered to the king to make jewelry for their own benefits or will be sold to other kingdoms."

"One day an old woman came to their castle and she saw all the sufferings that the people have to endure in the reign of this king and queen.
"Greetings, my dear king and queen I would like to ask for some bread and milk to eat, my children are starving" the old woman asked hopefully, the king just laughed and the queen looked at the old woman disgustingly "who are you for us to give you the things you asked? Are you a princess? You're not worthy of it, you're just a filthy old woman who could not even provide for her children" the king laughed, the old witch was furious by this kind of behavior especially for a king "tsk, so this is how you treat your people? You are a king, it's your duty to help your citizens when they are in need of help!" The queen stood up on her throne covered in gold and ruby "why would I waste my food in such ignorant and filthy people? Who only stole and killed each other for their own benefits?" The old woman chuckled "they only did that because they were starving to death because of YOU!!" the queen was furious and slapped the old woman "Guards!! Take this woman to the dungeon!!" Suddenly the old woman glowed green and her eyes became white and her skin became soft like baby and her face turned young, she raised her hand and said something which made the king and queen worried "I, the descendant of the first witch curse you until my last breath I shall curse you, your children will be the satan itself and you will be the reason for their suffering. I vow to the greatest God who exists that their endless suffering will be beyond imagination they will not feel emotion even if they're human or immortal but..... only a girl will end their endless suffering and you the king and queen of this kingdom shall die in the hands of their own blood and flesh" after the witch said that she vanished into thin air, the king was beyond furious but deep inside he's scared for his own life."

"Until now dear they believed that the girl who was bound to save their children hasn't been found and their children? Well they suffered, the end"

Flashback end
"Umm yes lola, what about that?" Her lola sighed "well actually my dear your lolo (great great grandpa) is from that world and he's a Merman"

I couldn't believe my ears, wait this has to be a joke-

"Dear I know your thinking that I'm joking but it's real, every girl in our family is chosen to go into that world to find our soulmate and I was chosen to go into that world too at the age of 19" her lola said making eye contact "wha- so soulmates are real?! Wait why are you saying this to me lola?"

Please don't say what I think you're going to say please as much as I'm excited about the new information about mythical creatures, magic etc. I don't want to go there. I'm fine by myself, I'm independent.

"Yes dear it's very real, I was shocked too when your ancestor said it to me the first time. And I lived till today just to tell you, to guide you dear because you've been chosen" Y/n's eyes went wide after hearing that
Hi gais it's me your author how are you beautiful? I was so excited to write this part and yea bye byeee maybe later this afternoon I'll post a chapter 3 always remember you're a beauty💋💜🫶🏻
1102 words

Hi gais it's me your author how are you beautiful? I was so excited to write this part and yea bye byeee maybe later this afternoon I'll post a chapter 3 always remember you're a beauty💋💜🫶🏻1102 words

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