Chapter 3

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"What?!! Are you serious?! Haha this is so funny lola, c'mon where did you hide the camera" she said laughing nervously "No Y/n, I'm serious. You have to go to that world as soon as possible" her lola said with direct eye contact.

Y/n don't know what to do or what to say she was lost of words, it felt like someone just twisted her tongue.

"Wha-..why-....wait why me?! I'm happy by myself lola you know that" her lola sighed "you have no other choice dear your fate awaits you there. Someone is waiting for you there, think about it. What will happen if you find your soulmate there."

Y/n thought carefully, she was thinking of not agreeing to this but when she thinks of the advantages if she agrees....

Y/n's POV
If I agreed to this maybe I could be happy, I would not be alone till my last breath, I would not die alone. Someone will love me for who I am not for my looks, I could build a family of my own but what about my job...I love my job, my fans....I hope my decision will not make me regret everything.

"Please dear do this for me, your lola" her lola said with blurry eyes ".....fine..but what about my job lola? I love my job? I just started this career, I won't give it up easily" Y/n said finally looking at her lola "it's fine, there is a time difference in our world and in their world. You will be fine I'll talk to Flor." Her lola said.

They finished talking and y/n got to know that tomorrow she will be leaving. She was sad but agreed anyway for her lola and hopefully for her future.

Time skip tomorrow morning

Y/n was sleeping peacefully with drool on her face when suddenly her phone rang.

"Arghh who the fuck is calling me early in the morning" she groans and was cursing while looking for her phone.

"Ah hello?" She said while rubbing her eyes trying to erase all the sleepiness in her eyes. "Her gurlll I heard about the news!!" The girl on the phone squeaks in excitement."argh yeah flor whatever, why are you so excited about it?" She said annoyed and sits at the edge of her bed "Girl!!! You're going to meet your soulmate!!! I can't believe you have one"

(So actually flor is her childhood friend who came to her house when they were kids and she also listens to her lola's stories and flor also is her manager at her company)

"You know I was always talking to you about soulmates thingy when we were young because I wanna have a soulmate too" she continued "yeah and I have to endure all the pain of my ears bleeding because of your nonstop screaming and sleepless nights because you talk about that shit Almost 24/7 hours" Y/n said rolling her eyes.

"Tsk you're so mean, you don't know how lucky you are. And you better be thankful to me, I helped you   get a long hiatus. You owe me" she said "I didn't ask but thx, anyways I gotta go I need to take a shower" they said their goodbyes and hang up.

Time skip

When she got dressed she went downstairs and found her mom and dad talking. She said hi to them and kissed their cheeks.

"Y/n I heard the news dear congrats" Mrs. Song said, Y/n just hummed and mumbled a thx.

"By the way Y/nie your brother Min-hyuk will come home today. Later 1pm we' will fetch him from the airport. Do you wanna come?" Mr. Song asked

"Yes yes yes! I miss oppa so much and when will Sungjae oppa come visit us? I miss him so much it's almost been a year since I last saw him" you said looking at your father

"He said he will visit maybe in 2 months?" Her father said, and y/n just hummed cause she's sad she can't see her oldest brother because she will be no longer here.

After breakfast you sat in the couch feeling bored when your dog came and lick your cheek "oh lunaa~~ how are you my baby did you eat? Are you hungry?" You asked when suddenly a maid came near and told you that she already ate. Then the maid scoop the dog from your arms and said the dog need to poo, you just nodded.

Time skip (sorry gais so many timeskips your author is lazy)

While you were busy watching a movie someone came inside your house and slowly walk behind your back then suddenly she shouted "BOO!"

You got startled and jump in your sit and saw your manager laughing her ass off with your bff Kim.
"What the fuck?!!! Florrrr!!!!! I will kill yo-" but before you could continue, she cutted you off and said "nuh-uh you ain't gonna kill me I have all the things you need when you're going through a portal bish so sit your ass down" she said and Kim chuckled

"What the heck is this?" You asked in disbelief "duh isn't obvious? Kim said with a bitch face "it's make up and skin care bish so that when you meet your soulmate, youre not ugly and your skin won't be dry and of course you gotta take care of your beauty maybe if you ran out of money you can just seduce a rich daddy in there" Flor said while arranging the stuff that she said 'you highly needed' "oh oh that's smart" Kim said and high five with flor " I don't even know why I know you guys" you said facepalming.

One and a half hour later

"Make up? Check skin care? Check? Wait is there enough body lotion?" Flor asked Kim "yes ofc" said Kim "very good now good clothes? Check money? Check! Candy? Check! I think that's all. you need your skin care the most bish you know and don't you dare say no to me, I know you hate it when you don't do skin care" flor said "argh whatever" you said and rolled your eyes

"So girl what are your plans when you go there?" Kim asked "I don't know but lola said she have a plan to find my soulmate sooner" you said when suddenly you hear footsteps you all looked to where the sound came from. You saw your lola and you greeted her and your friends greeted her too

"So is everything ready?" Your friends nodded "wait lola you said yesterday in order for me to go there we need to open a portal?" You asked "yes dear I already know that don't worry about that. Now listen I will tell you what you will do once you get there" she said excited clear on her voice, you got nervous but listens anyways.
Hi gais it's me again the exciting part is near yeyy
Now I shall bless you with jimin's beauty💋💜

Hi gais it's me again the exciting part is near yeyy Now I shall bless you with jimin's beauty💋💜

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I will update in 10 reads

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