Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

"Argh peasants as always, how dare they have fun inside the castle. Tsk, they really forgot that they are here to WORK" I said while walking. The guards and maids flinched when I shouted the last word. Then I remembered the girl between Jeancy and the other new girl. I have never seen her before so I think she is new here, argh why am I even thinking of that lowly maid. When she turned around after I arrived there, she was so ugly her face was covered with black spots and pimples but her body is pretty good. She is very curvy and big breasted too, I have never seen someone with that figure before. I have fucked so many girls before and I swear her figure is quite attractive. I shook my head and said "Still she is ugly so I think I will pass" I knocked on my brother's room and heard a 'come in' I opened the door and saw my brother Prince Jimin laying in his bed naked with two girls probably from his harem.  "What brings you here brother?" Jimin said to be while sitting up and I gestured to the two naked girls to get out and they quickly went out naked but I did not care. "So you forgot?" I said in disbelief at him. "What forgot?" He said while raising his eyebrows while putting on his trousers. I sighed and said "did I not inform you yesterday morning that I will come to your chamber today to practice swords fighting?" I said while sitting on a near chair while crossing my arms. He made an 'o' face and rub his nape and said "oh y-yeah I remember now" I shook my head at him and said "hurry we have to go to Tae Hyung" I said and he nodded called out his maid to help him get dress faster. After a few mins he was ready now and we were now walking towards Tae's chamber. "Hey kook you looked bothered. What is wrong?" Jimin Hyung asked me while looking ahead of us. "Nothing" I simply said and he hum in response.

Author's POV

The maknae line are now in the ground where they practice swords fighting, arm combat and etc. "jungkook-a and jimin-ah let's have a bet! Whoever wins in a sword fight wins a new girl I found!" Prince Taehyung said in a excited tone "nah pass I am still so tired earlier I just fucked two sluts" Prince Jimin said uninterested while grabbing a drink. "Oh come one Jimin the girl I found has tanned skin, curvy, big breasted, and beautiful" Prince Taehyung said while smirking at Prince Jimin "okay okay fine I am positive I will win this" Jimin said determination evident in his voice "not so fast hyung, you maybe my brother but I will not let this chance slip" Jungkook said smirking. "Then it is settled then! We have battle between two prince!" Taehyung said excitedly. Jungkook and Jimin then grabbed their wooden swords and stood opposite together. Their expressions remained determined to win both princes were having a smirk in their faces "I will win this" they both said at the same time.The two princes stand opposite each other, saluting before the fight begins. The air is tense with anticipation. Then they heard the signal from their referee who was keeping an eye on them the whole time. Jungkook initiates the duel with a powerful swing, testing Jimin's defenses. Jimin gracefully sidesteps, countering with a quick jab. The initial exchanges are fast and furious, each prince demonstrating their mastery. Jungkook's strikes are forceful and relentless, pushing Jimin to stay on his toes.
"Go Jungkook!!! Go Jimin!!" Taehyung shouted while throwing both his fists in the air while jumping. Jimin, on the other hand, uses his agility and precision to deflect Jungkook's attacks and create openings for counterstrikes. As the duel progresses, both princes start to reveal their strategies. Jungkook leverages his physical strength to keep the pressure on Jimin, using wide, sweeping attacks to limit his movements. Jimin, meanwhile, focuses on timing and positioning, exploiting any slight hesitation or misstep by Jungkook to land precise blows. A dramatic turning point occurs when Jungkook, with a burst of speed, disarms Jimin momentarily, sending his rapier skidding across the sand. The crowd gasps, but Jimin, unfazed, performs a swift roll, retrieves his weapon, and immediately goes on the offensive. This unexpected maneuver catches Jungkook off guard, showcasing Jimin's resilience and quick thinking.

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