Chapter 8

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Author's POV

You pulled Bangchan inside your house and made him into the couch. "I'll go get something in my room" you said and hurriedly went upstairs. After a few mins you went back to the living room carrying a first aid kit. "What's that?" Bangchan asked you while looking at the first aid kit "shh don't ask questions" you opened the first aid kit and pulled out an ointment, he hissed but kept looking at your face. after, you bandaged it. You closed your first aid kit after treating his cuts. It's a really good thing you thought of bringing a first aid kit with you. "It's done" you said and looked up at him and found your face a few inches from his face. You could literally feel his hot breath in your face. Suddenly, he went closer....and closer....closer...but then you heard footsteps. You immediately sat up straight and saw Arin. "Oh sorry did I interrupt something? Sorry continue continue" she said and was about to walk away "n-no no Arin you didn't interrupt something" you said and ushered  her to sit beside you. Arin awkwardly laughed while bangchan was glaring at her. "By the way Arin let's go grocery shopping for dinner tonight" you said and Arin nodded "sure Y/n I'll change to something then we'll go" you nodded then "can I come too?" I have nothing else to do"Bangchan said shyly and you said 'sure'. You stood up and went upstairs to take a shower and change into something. Once they heard your bedroom door closed. Bangchan immediately scolded Arin "YAH! You ruined it!!! Why do you have to come inside here! My chance was sooo soooo close then you came and ruined it arghhhh!!!" Arin made an offended look and said "tsk this is MY HOUSE you know I have the rights to come in here whenever I want and besides it's not like I know that you two were about to ki-" Before Arin could continue Bangchan put his hand on her mouth "shhh don't say it your grandmother might hear you and might scold us!" Bangchan said while Arin was trying to pull away Bangchan's hand then she bit his hand "OWWWW!!! What the fuck was that for?!!!" Bangchan said while caressing his bitten hand while looking at Arin with a scowl look on his face. Arin just stood up and rolled her eyes.

Few minutes later

You went down and saw Arin was already in the kitchen checking the list that you two will shop later at the market.

You went down and saw Arin was already in the kitchen checking the list that you two will shop later at the market

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        (Arin's dress with loose hair)

        (Arin's dress with loose hair)

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