Chapter 11

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Author's POV

The day has come, Y/n will go to the castle to apply for the job. Y/n woke up from Arin's voice outside her door. "Y/n! Wake up! Grandmother said to you to freshen up and do your routine. I will come later after you freshen up, I will help you with your bags." She said and you heard her footsteps fading away. You sigh and stretch. You stood up to check outside the window, the weather was cloudy. You sighed again and went to the bathroom to do your routine. After you freshen up you wear this.

You grabbed your foundation, the color was very light you sighed and pumped some in your wrist and you grabbed your eye palette

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You grabbed your foundation, the color was very light you sighed and pumped some in your wrist and you grabbed your eye palette. You actually did not remember anything putting this in your bag but you guessed one of your friends must have put it there. You chose one brown eyeshadow and crushed it, after it became a powdery texture you grab a container and pour it all in .

 You chose one brown eyeshadow and crushed it, after it became a powdery texture you grab a container and pour it all in

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After, you grab some of it and mixed it with the foundation. Well last night, Daria could not find a spell that can make her skin colour change, just her face structure. You sighed thinking of the events last night, you really gonna miss your face. After you mixed it you grab a foundation blender and start blending it in your face. You're eyes went wide a little, shocked that it really worked. (Jinius) While you were busy, you heard the door of your room opened and closed again. You look behind you and saw Arin he smiled at you sadly, she was also coming with you to apply for the job. You smiled a little at her "I am disappointed seeing your milky skin needed to be covered and your face...." She sighed sadly "it is fine Arin and I am having fun too you know it is the first time I saw myself like this, it is quiet thrilling" you said and giggled she smiled and started packing your bags.

Arin's POV

I was so sad seeing Y/n covering herself, her beauty just to work and help me with my dreams. I sighed and decided to help her pack up, I already packed my bags. I was worried about grandmother leaving her alone here, but bangchan said he will take care of her. I am so thankful to him. When grandmother told me that I was going with Y/n I was over the moon because I get to see Prince Jimin but when she called me to her room after making sure Y/n was asleep. I became worried for her.

Last night's events

I knocked nervously at my grandmother's room. I actually don't know why I am so nervous, when I heard a 'come in' I opened the door and closed it behind me. "Come here child" Grandmother said looking at me with soft yet serious eyes. I quickly went near her. She was sitted in her bed I sitted at the edge of her bed. "I decided to tell you that you are going with Y/n because I am going to give you a mission" she said, I was shocked she said it straight to the point. I nodded slowly and she continued "I want you to guide and watch over Y/n's decision, I want you to be there with her always especially when she's making a decisions and make sure to not let her near the 7 princes" once I heard it I knew that she got a vision of her future...wait 7 princes? " Wait do not tell me" I said shocked "yes, her soulmate is not one but 7 and it is the 7 princes. I saw something in her future and I want you to stop it from happening it. I want everything in your power to not let any prince see her because once one of them caught feelings for her, all innocent lives will be sacrificed" I could not utter a single word, I was stunned at the new found information. So, I do not have any chance on prince Jimin? But it is not her fault either, I can't be mad at her at something she cannot control. "But grandmother you know you cannot stop what is fated to happen" I said in some kind of protest, I was nervous I could not do the mission properly "I know but you are my only chance dear please think of it for Y/n and the innocent lives" I sighed and nodded. She patted my head, she nodded and I took that as a sign I should retire to my room. Whole night I could not sleep properly thinking of it.

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