Chapter 7

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Author's POV

Y/n and Arin was walking in the forest. There was an awkward silence between the two women.

"We're almost there" Arin said while looking ahead. "Oh um okay...." You said. Again there was silence between them. Arin decided to break the silence and asked "where were you heading?" "Oh um actually I was told by my great great grandmother to search for a person" you said while looking at her, she made an 'o' face. "Why did you decide to help me? You know I'm a stranger and I'm not from here. Are you not afraid that I'm going to do something to you?" You asked while tilting your head looking at her side profile "well firstly, you don't look like a dangerous person and second, it's not new for me to go in here and meet some new people that are lost in this forest." She said while looking at you. "Maybe I can help you find the person you're looking for. I know a lot of people in our village. And also my grandmother might help you. She's really old and she knows a lot of people too not only in my village but also other kingdoms." She said smiling kindly at you.

After 1 hour of walking with Arin you two made it out of the forest. And she leads you the way to her house.

"Welcome to Lorvil Y/n! I hope you would like it here

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"Welcome to Lorvil Y/n! I hope you would like it here. Come I'll show you the way to our  house" she said while excitedly walking forward. You followed her.

"Um Arin?" You said "yea?" She said while looking at the ducks "do you by any chance know Daria?" You asked

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"Um Arin?" You said "yea?" She said while looking at the ducks "do you by any chance know Daria?" You asked. She stopped in her tracks "um what's wro-" You were cut off when she said "so you're looking for my grandmother?" She asked you "and "woah I never thought I'd find her so quickly. I thought I have to go through a storm and a war maybe" you said mumbling "huh? I didn't hear you Y/n" she asked while looking at you with raised eyebrows "oh it's nothing it's just yes I'm looking for her" you said. "Okay then let's go I'm hungry it's almost lunch time" she said while grabbing your hand and quickly walked.

"You said your grandmother is really old that's why she's considered as an ancient woman?" You asked in disbelief. Arin nodded while kicking a stone "yes! She's very well respected for that part" you wided your eyes at the new information "how old is she?" You asked. She made a thinking face while her index finger was in her chin "hmm 104 about to turn 105 this October" she said while smiling at you. While you? You were dumbfounded. Your great great grandmother was just 89 and your great grandmother was 58 when she died and your grandmother was 50 when she died because of illness. You furrowed your eyebrows while starting to do math while using your fingers when you were pulled by your arm. "You're so slow gosh by the way we have reached our destination!" She said while clapping.

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