chapter nine - soft spot

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     MY heart beat loudly in my chest as I watched him process what I had said. He knew what he wanted and he wasn't getting it. I couldn't just mess around with him out of the blue, I wanted something in return and that was true love. Dallas wouldn't give me that so therefore I wouldn't give him the pleasure he craved. I wasn't the only girl he knew.
     I was sure there was someone else he could start talking to like he did with me and then just sleep with them and never say another word to her again.

     His lips parted as he tried to speak. His face was confused and angry at the same time, I could have sworn he was about to walk off away from me.
     "Then let me take you out." He pleaded, in an unpleading way. It was more of a statement than a question.
     "Why Dallas?" I asked and this time I had hoped for a truely honest answer. He looked around and rubbed his chin.
"Hell Jan, I don't know. It's different ya know? Just let me take you." I was going to say yes, and at some point I would regret it. Was I really that much different? I didn't think so.

     "Okay then. Let's go" I said. His eyes widened.
     "Now?" He asked.
     "Now. We'll find a pay phone so I can let my dad know I'll be out longer tonight." He thought for a moment and the look on his face didn't seem too promising. He almost looked a little uncomfortable
     "How late were you thinkin'?" He asked with a smirk rising.
"How ever long we're gonna party for. I figure we should make this a good time at least" He stared at me in awe and with a smile at what I had to say. On the outside I was happy as clown and I wanted to get out and go but a little part of me was screaming and in fear of what was to come.

     I figured I should try and live a little. Not too much, but enough to still have fun doing it rather than end up like Dallas. It was nothing personal, it was just the fact that he was hooked to doing bad things. Doing reckless things in my mind was a once in a while thing when life got too stressful. How was one of those times for me and this was my escapism. Dallas pulled me into his side and kept his arm around my shoulders.
     "Atta girl, you'll like this." I shrugged and looked up to the burning cigarette that hung between his lips. For the first time, I  considered grabbing it and trying it. If I wanted to get it off my chest and try it now was the time.
     "Pass it" I said with a sigh at the end. I wasn't too sure what to expect but the worst from something that smelt so bad.

     "You don't smoke, I ain't letting you." Immediately, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cigarette from his lips to place it between my own. Inhaling, I stifled a cough and blew out the smoke. I did that three more times before I stopped coughing and soon enough the smoke had my throat and lungs warmed and dirty.
     "That's enough" Dallas said taking it from me. I was in a sense grateful he took it from me because if he didn't I would have kept smoking it till it was finished. I could totally understand how easy it is to get into that habit.
     "So where are you taking me for this date?" I asked looking up with a smile. Part of me wondered why we were doing this but the other part wanted to get out so desperately and do something out of my zone of comfort.

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