chapter fourteen - know who i am

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     REALIZATION was a god send in its many ways. You could only pray so much till those things you did to give back came up to what was in your favour. I missed my mother dearly still. A framed picture on my nightstand table wasn't a comfortable thing to keep in my grasp at night when I needed someone. I couldn't hold her when I was sad or upset, I got stuck with a picture frame. If I wanted someone to hug it was my father or Dallas when it was just the two of us alone. He didn't like the idea of a public display of affection besides an arm over my shoulder, kisses on my forehead head as we walked the streets at night on the prowl for something new to take place, core memories for us to have made. 
     A core memory we made recently was us actually getting into some trouble.

    Every time we went into a store with one another it was very demanding. He let me down, grabbing stuff to steal and stuffing his pockets while I wasn't looking. The day ended with me going into the county jail and bailing him out. I was a little uptight about it afterwards but he always ended up making it up to me after a long argument.
     Another memory that we made was the day we took Buck's car out , Dallas almost crashing it and me laughing it off because at the rate I was going, what stopped me from not laughing? We came to a passage of fields outside of Tulsa and kept going till we felt it was time to come back home. I felt alive that day like no strings were attached, running through fields and even having a deer approach us, Dallas just needing to chase off the poor thing.

     That was a little while ago though, maybe a week and a half ago. Since then Dallas winded himself in the county holding cells at least twice, having stings pulled from him by me and the gang. It was tough work, but to have him there in the end made it worth it. Neither of us liked showing one another off. It was like we were still friends but behind closed doors I learned more and he learned more about me.
Listening wasn't his strong suit no matter how hard he tried.

Darry and Ponyboy didn't exactly enjoy the sight of us anymore. Not that Pony hated me, he was my friend and I was his and nothing could disturb that. Dallas often worried him that he was rewiring my intelligent mind, although I explained that it was far from it. Change was okay for everyone else except for me. I had to stay innocent, unbothered and untouched. My awakening wasn't rude like Two-bits, Johnnys or Dallas'. I was still myself; attending church on Sundays, kissed my dad goodnight every night, and did well in school.
Emotionally I was fixed. Not a worry passed through my intellect, I stopped sweating the small things and I smiled a whole lot more. I knew everyone at Bucks and even made a few friends at school because of Dallas. I was grateful for the courage I received by the nights I prayed and from talking to Dallas. I didn't think it over, I just did it. It was for the better or for the worst.

     "You've gotta babysit the kid tonight right?" Dallas asked. He was up early enough to actually walk me into school. Ponyboy told me he wouldn't be tagging along since he hated being a third party. I hated it too, so I didn't blame him all too much or take it personal.
     "Yes, I'd call it off but you know I can't do that to her." The amounts of money Jerry gave me were something I couldn't pass up either. Half of my earning went towards a good education for myself that me and dad saved up for. If I could pay for it all myself I would, but it just wasn't that simple.
     "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you couldn't call off that five bucks either huh?" He teased at me. The school bell chimed and me and Dallas watched everyone go inside. I really wish I could have skipped the day but that didn't land me in a very good position the last time so I settled for attending.

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