chapter eleven - morning after

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    I could feel knots in my blonde hair as I tried to run my fingers through it. Like I had assumed would happen, Dallas was not beside me when I woke up. The place was silent. There was no chatter down stairs amongst people, so I assumed Buck's was closed. The shirt Dallas gave me was shockingly still on, and the bottle of Jack Daniel's that I almost tripped over sat half empty on the floor.
Dallas probably brought it up last night without me recognizing it. My legs dangled from the side of the bed observing the room around me. The old wooden window was open ajar, either stuck that way or Dallas had opened it up. My toes were red, and goosebumps accumulated on my forearms. I had forgotten to come home to my dad last night.

I was sure he wouldn't be impressed. I made him a promise and I had broken it. Dallas told me to loosen up, and I was trying but loosening up didn't mean lying or disrespecting my dad's wishes either. I gathered my things, reaching into my pocket that had my pink teddy bear knick knack and Dallas' blue one. I set it down on the dresser and made my way out of Buck's.
I seen Buck at the bar wiping it down, stopping me before I could head out.

"Hey missy" he said with a smirk. I smiled walking up to the bar he was tending.
"How drunk was I last night, hm?" I asked. The laugh he let out made me wonder really how bad off I was.
"I don't know but you and Dallas were the party of the night that's for sure! I'm guessing he took you up there and does what he always does?" I laughed, flaring my fingers as I looked at my painted nails.
"what would that be?" I questioned further. I got the picture, but my entertainment was making him red in the face.
"That's for you to find out...whenever that day may be" He slapped the rag over his shoulder and smacked on his chewing gum.

"You are ridiculous" I shook my head.
"Ridiculous? Wait till you see your tab and then come and tell me what's ridiculous" He narrowed his eyes at me and I rolled my own.
"I getcha! I'll have your money next time I come around" I began to walk myself away from the bar and towards the door. He called out for me again.
"I better not see you payin' for Dally's tab either!" He shouted. I waved him off and started walking myself home.

I was grateful to have the Jean jacket Dallas and I got yesterday because carting myself all the way across town this early and in this cold of weather could make anyone sick. My heels yet again were killing my feet but I roughed it out till I could at least make it to the DX. I didn't give myself time to think about last night, because I didn't want to start over thinking again. Did we or did we not have sex was the running question in the fog of my mind.
The splitting headache didn't give me much time to really care or think about it either way.

Fighting the urge to not go into deep thought was hard enough on me, so to save myself more agony I walked up to the DX. Steve and Sodapop were hard at work like usual.
"Well well! Dally was just here coulda sworn the two of you would be together" Steve said making me grit my teeth.
"Lay off and get back to work Steve. Maybe if you put as much effort into finding yourself a girl as much as you are in people's business you'll get lucky!" I said clicking my tongue. That seemed to leave him silent for about three seconds.
"I see Dallas is rubbing off on you"
"Oh yeah?" I said.
"That ain't nothin' to feel proud of" He said, watching me as I chewed my lip and picked at my hand in hopes I'd not say anything further.
"No one said anything about being proud Steve."
"Don't have to, the way you parade around Tulsa tells me so." he rolled himself out from under the car he was working on and sat up. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes into him.

"So what's your deal Steve? Every time I come around you've always got something to say. You're no saint, why do you judge my every move?" I had never liked confrontation before, but now I needed to find out what he was hiding. By now Soda had came out from under his car to watch.
"Forget it" Was all he said as he cleaned a tool with a microfibre cloth.
"No please, go on" As Steve stood up Soda came in between the two of us so things couldn't have the chance to escalate any further than it had.

"The two of you need to knock this shit off and get along. Steve, you ain't gotta act like you don't care because if you didn't you wouldn't be in her business. Janet, don't tempt him with a good time of arguing with you." I nodded and looked to Steve. I did feel bad and I really wished we could get along like the rest of the guys. I was taught that the right thing to do is to forgive even through the anger and even through hate.
"I'm sorry Steve, you are an ass but I still care about you because you're my friend" he nodded and pulled me in for a hug which I accepted.
"I'm sorry for being an asshole Jan. I try to keep out of it" I nodded and sighed out.

"My dad around here?" I asked the boys. I didn't really want to know but if he was i suppose I'd prepare myself for the hell I was bound to face at some point or another.
"He's inside his office" Sodapop said. I nodded.
"Alright, you think you could ring me up?" I asked pointing a thumb towards the entrance. He agreed and we headed inside. Soda took a seat up on the counter as I went around and grabbed some essentials. Aspirin and a bottle of water to wash down the pill. I'd figured I'd take it before I step foot into my father's office.

"Buck's last night huh?" Sodapop said as I sluggishly approached the register. I scoffed.
"Yeah...but I had a good time with Dallas. Even when I wasn't drinking, if that says anything" I shrugged cracking open the pill bottle and popping one in my mouth with a hard swallow of water.
"I think it does. He goes soft when he's around you" that was half of the truth I supposed.
"Hm, maybe." I decided to keep the part where me and Dallas kissed a secret because with the guys, words could get twisted and then circle around to the other participant.

"I'm telling you Janet, there's something different about him when he's around you. He pays no other the girl any mind." I wish I didn't care to hear that, but I did. I liked the idea of him staying close to me, I liked how we had a bond that wasn't like any other.
"I'll admit, it's nice to hear that really." I smiled up to him.
"You are a good person Jannie, us guys need someone like you" I blushed and went in to give Soda a hug.
"you're a real charmer, but i guess it's time I go talk to my dad."
"Good luck with that"

Rounding the corner I travelled down the hallway to the open door that lead to where my dad sat in his office. A newspaper in his hands and his feet kicked up on top of the desk.
"Hey honey" he said, I was shocked at the greeting. I had expected a stern hello.
"I'm really sorry. I spent the night where Dallas usually stays." Finally he set down his newspaper and turned himself towards me. A hard swallow in the pit of my throat sounded. He never yelled, but he could really make someone feel bad for their actions. It was one of those things that made me appreciate him but also fear getting into any sort of trouble.

"You're grown, I get it. I know you're a good kid but I also know you're young. I was young once so that's why I cut you and your friends some slack" he paused, I nodded in agreement.
"I'll say that I'm glad Dallas gave you a place to stay for the night, but next time I expect a second call. I assume the two of you are a couple?" He asked shaking his head in confusion. After last night, I wondered the same thing. Do friends do what me and Dallas had done? If it went further, then I'd really want some answers.
"No, it's not like's very confusing" I squinted, looking down to the floor.

My dad huffed out and pulled me in closer for a hug. I still thought about how Dallas wasn't laying next to me when I awoke, but now I wondered if it's all so bad after all. I wasn't sure if I would talk to Dallas again for a bother couple days. He seems to get himself into trouble every time we spend too much time together. Was he afraid of it?

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