K: "Everything okay?"

H: "Yes, have a nice evening." And... she hung up. What was that? And since when does she work for him?! I decide to ask her about it later when she's here

~Time jump to the evening~

I hear a key in the lock and wait for Mia to come in.

"Hey, honey!" she calls out and sets her bag down.

"Hello. Why didn't you tell me anything?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you work for Burton."

"Yes, but only officially since today. That's why I didn't say anything."

"Okay. Shall we go to bed?"

"Yes, of course, but how did you find out, babe?"

"From Helena."

"Last name? I know many," she laughs, but when I mention the full name, she stops laughing.

"Why so quiet?" I ask.

"Well... now we see each other every day, 24/7!" she says cheerfully.

Later, we go to bed together, and I'm looking forward to my first day.

"Good morning, babe," I wake Mia. She turns over grumpily and goes back to sleep. I grab my phone and play loud music she doesn't like.

"Okay, okay! I'm getting up already!"

"We're here. Are you coming?" I ask and am about to get out when she pulls me back and kisses me.

"First, you forgot this, and second, I need to go in with it since Tim isn't here yet." I just nod and get out.

I lock my car and then go into the house with Mia. Pablo comes straight to me after Helena, not very thrilled, lets us in. But after he sees Mia, he barks at her and doesn't calm down. Mia quickly flees after a brief kiss and goes over.

-Helena's POV-

So they are together after all. Oh god. Why am I even thinking about this? She just works for me, period!

"Pablo, go to your bed!" What was wrong with him anyway?

"Good morning again," Kaydi interjects.


"Any inquiries yet, or do you have something else for me?" Kaydi asks to break the awkward silence.

"Um... Yes. The laptop is in the office. It's already on."

"Great. Let me know if there's anything, otherwise, I'll come over once I'm done."

"Yeah, all good." I go back and leave Kaydi alone for now. Pablo decides to go with her, so I'm alone since Tim is at the vet with Daysi.

"Hello, Mrs. Carter. Do you know when Mr. Burton will be back? I need him for something," comes from the door after a short while. It's Mia, Tim's assistant.

"Um, no, I don't. Why?"

"Well, a meeting is rather last minute, and I wanted to ask if it's okay, since you also have a meeting where Mr. Burton is listed as a companion."

"Ah, I see. Please coordinate with Kaydi." She nods briefly and then disappears into Kaydi's office, and I continue reading the book I started earlier.

"Hel- Mrs. Carter? The meeting is your anniversary."

"Then I'm sorry, Mia, but you'll have to cancel the appointment-"

"No! I'll attend the appointment, Mia," Tim interrupts.

-Kaydi's POV-

I quickly go to my office and continue working. Hopefully, Mia hope was also clever... I hear Helena and Tim talking very loudly, despite being in the other part of the house with all the doors closed. Luckily, Nell and Billy aren't here. The two dogs are with me, and I try to keep working, but I get a call from Mia. She says Tim made hints about hitting someone. As quickly as possible, I go to them.

"Mrs. Carter? An important call," I intervene.

"No, she can't right now!" Tim gets louder again and tries to grab Helena, but I'm faster and just pull her away.

"Thank you," she says bluntly. I just nod and continue working. Helena sits on the couch.

"Can he come up?" she asks softly. I look up and nod smiling. She pats the spot next to her on the couch, and Pablo jumps up next to her and snuggles against her. I think she needs security, which I'm happy to provide. I watch her briefly before getting back to work. Meanwhile,

I text Mia since Tim is furious.

"Are you okay?" I ask Helena after a while. She seems to have fallen asleep with Pablo, so I text Mia, and we agree to take a break. So I quietly leave the office and close the door. Mia is already waiting for me in the kitchen. We talk about their appointments and, of course, about the loud conversation.

In this moment, it doesn't feel like we're a couple, but rather just friends and colleagues. Are my feelings fading?

-Mia's POV-

~2 months later~

Something's wrong with Kaydi. When I try to kiss her, she backs away. She no longer says 'I love you' or anything like that, and generally, her mind seems to be elsewhere all the time.

"Darling, what's wrong with you?" She's sitting on the couch, lost in thought again. I lie with my head in her lap and look up at her.

"Kaydi?" I repeat, since she doesn't respond.


"What's wrong with you? No more kisses, no 'I love you,' nothing at all," I ask, looking at her questioningly. She sighs and turns away.

"Hey, you can always talk to me and tell me everything. Did you cheat on me?!" I sit up and turn her head so she can look at me.

"What?! No! Of course not! I-I... I've just... I-I've fallen in love?" She whispers the end softly, but I understand it well despite her trembling voice.

"In whom?"

"Don't be mad at me. Please..." I just nod in response.

"As long as it's not Tim?"

"No! Absolutely not. It's his 'ex-' girlfriendand mother of his children."

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