"She's got you hooked, hasn't she, girl?"

-POV Kaydi-

I just nod. I'm sorry, but from now on, it's 'single like a Pringle,' but better than pretending to her, and especially to myself. I pull her into a tight hug and whisper, 'I'm sorry.'

"'All good, but I've got a request..." She pauses, looking nervously at me. "Could you please kiss me one last time?" I pull her towards me, and we kiss. The kiss is like a kiss between friends. Nothing special. I look at her questioningly.

"The last time, I think," she smiles sadly at me.

"But you're not getting rid of me now. We'll stay friends! Especially since I could never afford this apartment on my own. We'll turn the guest room into two offices or-"

"No, it's all good. Firstly, I have enough money, and secondly, why don't we just look for something new, more centrally located? Everyone will have their own room + office there. I'll pay more since I'll be there the most. Nils' wife works for a big real estate firm. I can give him a call?" To prevent her from trying to stop me, I quickly go to our balcony and call Nils. Of course, he picks up and gives me his wife's number. I call her and explain what we're specifically looking for and what the budget is.

"We've got a viewing tomorrow. An apartment and two apartments above the roofs of London. One of the apartments even has a partition wall with two separate entrances," I enthuse.

"How much?"

"A lot, but it's all good."

~Time jump to the viewing~

"Wow, this is huge, but very good for us, as everyone will have their own space. It would be perfect!" Mia excitedly tells me. Meanwhile, I continue to look around. It's a 10-minute walk to Helena and Tim's, and about a 15-minute drive. You can see almost all of London from here. Both living rooms have huge windows, and the bedroom is on a higher floor and slightly offset, so like every apartment here, it has a small terrace. I don't want to talk about the price, but it's very expensive. Mia only reluctantly agreed. Not because she doesn't have that much money, but because I'm paying more.

~Time jump one week later~

It's Monday. We've been living in the apartment since Saturday night. It's strange to sleep alone, but it's also liberating because you can do whatever you want without anyone objecting.

I'm sitting in the car. Mia is next to me, guiding me to Helena and Tim's. When we finally get there, Tim opens the door for us. I disappear into my office right away to avoid Helena. I make a lot of phone calls and organize individual appointments. Pablo is, as always, lying on the sofa asleep. Occasionally, he also lies under the big table because the floor is cooler and there's no sun there. It looks funny when someone comes in, and he gets up and comes over somewhat groggily to see who it is. Truly a real watchdog.

"Kaydi?" Helena stands in the doorway.


"Um... Do you have time tonight?"

"Yeah, of course. Why?" Is she inviting me on a date?! Kaydi! Think normal! She would never do that!

"I have an interview tonight and wondered if you could accompany me?"

"Yeah, of course. It's my job," I notice how odd that sounded and quickly correct myself, "And of course, I'd love to." She just nods and leaves. We discuss some more things later, and around 2, I leave again.

I don't really want to, knowing how Tim gets with Helena then. He's never been physically aggressive before us, but it's always been close, and he might soon. And that's my, or rather our, fear. I've shared my concern with Mia, and she feels the same.

"Mia? This or that? I know I won't be seen, but there will be fans from the car to the location." I have a black suit trouser with a white blouse and a black blazer in one hand and a simple but figure-hugging black long dress with a dark denim jacket in the other.

"With the suit, you're plain and invisible. With the dress, visible." I think for a moment, but then decide to ask Nils for advice.

"Well, do you want to stand out or not?" Nils asks.

"Why does everyone ask that? I'm just the assistant?"

"Yeah, but a very young, pretty, and attractive one, if I may say so. That would make the family headlines again." I decide to share my concern about Helena with Nils.

"Yeah, I know it's difficult. But still, take the dress! If something happens, I'll handle it for you." Nils and I are talking on the phone, but I can imagine his wink exactly.

When we hung up, I put on the dress. I wear black chic heels with heels. I've tied my long brown hair in an 'Ariana Grande ponytail,' and my makeup is kept rather subtle.

"Helena's here. She knocked on the wrong door," Mia laughs slightly embarrassed, as she quickly wraps a blanket around her body. I go over with her and tease her a bit on the way.

"So, how is she in bed? Or he? Better than me?" Helena, confused in the 'hallway,' looks back and forth between us, but I've completely tuned her out because I'm really interested in my last question.

"No one can compare to you. Come on, let's go," she laughs, shooing us out.

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