Forgotten past

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I can't believe it... I honestly can't fathom what were they thinking coming in all together! I'm surprised I haven't been crushed to death, even more so that I somehow managed to fall asleep, yet despite that I still feel somewhat conscious, like I was living inside my own thoughts, but all their is was just a void of darkness, would be nice if another memory came along...

Suddenly their was a bright flash of light out shined the void of my thoughts, as the light dimmed I was revealed to be in some costal area, Looks like my prayers was answered after all, but I wasn't alone in this memory as Camus was also here, he seemed a little worried however.

Priam: what's the matter friend? It's unusual to see looking distressed.

Camus: well something very distressing is happening right now, have you seen Volts?

Ah, so that's the issue.

Priam: I haven't, how long has she been missing?

Camus: about 2 weeks or so, I've visited her territory at one point... nothing, not even her nest was there.

Priam: what? That doesn't make any sense!

Camus: exactly! She wouldn't have flew somewhere far away without telling someone, she's to stubborn to live somewhere else anyway!

Priam: could the hunters have something to do with this?

Camus: not likely, there haven't been any sightings of them in that area, but I might know a reason for her departure...

Priam: what? What is it?

Priam: I've heard some troubling Rumours going around, apparently strange rifts have been appearing from the sky and taking in monsters and humans alike, sending them off to who knows where...

Wait a minute, so dose that mean-

Priam: ...That's absurd! Something like that can't possibly-

Camus: I know, I thought it was ridiculous to, just some lie meant to scare others as some twisted joke, but considering these circumstances I have to wonder...

Priam: If this is all true then were could she be now?

Camus: At another continent or another planet there's no way of knowing, she might even be-

Priam: no, don't even think of that, like you said you we have no way of knowing, besides you think someone like her would die that easily?

Camus: ...I suppose your right, Heh now I feel bad for whoever is stuck with her! But, honestly Priam... you think we can find her?

Priam: if it means searching to the other ends of the earth, we will.

Camus: just what I like to hear, after all who would I have to tease? I suppose you make a good substitute for now.

Priam: wonderful...

Could she some where out here to? Clearly not off this island in particular, A boltreaver isn't the kind if Monster to go without notice, she must be in some other island I'm sure off it! But which? Hold on, the memory is starting to fade now, I can feel another one coming along... It's Nala, finally I can see her clearly now, her den to was now properly visible... isn't this the same place she ate her mate to?

Nala: It's good to see that your ok Priam

Priam: the feeling is mutual, how are the eggs doing?

Nala: they are doing quite alright, I suppose you've heard of what's been happening?

Priam: yes... I'm afraid that Camus has shared the same fate.

So, even he got taken away... this all must've happen some time after the last memory.

Nala: My condolences... it's been rather difficult times these days...

Priam: it has... not to mention the hunters have become more... agitated so to speak, there's a lot more of them around than usual.

Nala: all of this is making me worry for these eggs, even should they get to hatch and grow up I fear they will have to live in such dangerous conditions.

Priam: I wish I could say something to ease your worries but the words are lost to me.

Nala: well, there is something I would like you to say.

Priam: what is it? 

Nala: should something happen to me, can you promise me to look after these ones?

Priam: Nala...

Nala: I know your under no obligation to do so, these aren't your own after all, but I can't bare the thought of these two being left without a parent again, so please-

Priam: I promise.

Nala: do?

Priam: absolutely, you didn't even need to ask me away.

I'm afraid that I can't live up to that now...

Nala: thank you, I'm glad to have you as a friend.

Priam: say, you mind if I stay with you for today? I would like to watch over them with you.

Nala: I would like that, and I think they would like it to.

The memory fades away once again, I wake up back to my home, everyone was still around so I couldn't go anywhere, eventually they all stir awake.

Toothless: mmm... morning...

Stormfly: morning, that was a good night sleep.

Hookfang: at least someone got to.

Meatlug: that was fun! We should do that again next time!

Ragnar: no one comes in here unless I say so from now on.

Barf: aww but why?

Ragnar: I would appreciate some privacy for myself- is someone eating my tail?

Belch: nmph?

Just then, the riders come in through the door.

Hiccup: so this is where you guys have being hiding all this time huh?

Tuffnut: I told you Ragnars been hogging our dragons!

Ruffnut: yeah! Go get your own!

Ragnar: can everyone just get out...

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