revelation and sparks part 2

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sorry for taking so long, was a little hard to write this one so hopefully it turned out alright.

These eggs are-

Tuffnut: Hey guy's have a feel of this one! Who knew eggs can be so cold!

Hiccup: tuff, why are you touching the egg?

Tuffnut: I was feeling a little chilly so I wanted to see if the egg was warm, turns out it's even colder!

Astrid: you know, it IS weirdly cold right now, it wasn't like that until we got in here.

Fishlegs: can I finish what I was saying now!?

Hiccup: oh right! Sorry Fishlegs, please continue.

Fishoegs: ahem  firstly, what we have is a Velkhana, that's the egg Ruffnut is touching. elder dragons whose very presence can freeze its surroundings, and it can even shroud itself in a armour of ice!

Hiccup: an ice spitting dragon? Fascinating... and what about the other one?

Fishlegs: let me double check... ah ha! The second one is called a namielle, also an elder dragon that's capable of bioluminescence, it covers itself in a layer of water in order to stay hydrated and fire blast of water, it can even produce electricity!

Astrid: that's a pretty deadly combination of powers.

Snotlout: great so now can freeze and be electrocuted at the same time! Hooray...

Hiccup: is there really any difference on how they can kills us Snotlout? dragons can be dangerous one way or the other, you should know that by now.

Snotlout: Fine! just don't blame it on me once you guys are human popsicles.

Snotlout leaves the room and goes onto the back of Hookfang and flies off to his hut.

Astrid: forget about him. If those eggs are from... whatever place they're from that means those rifts have been appearing again. 

Hiccup: that's true, but there's nothing much we can do other than to be prepared for the unexpected. Now let's give Ragnar some space, we've invaded his privacy long enough.

They all begin to leave through the door.

Fishlegs: ooo, I can't wait until they hatch! I wonder what they'll look like!

Astrid: what would their names be?

Ruffnut: leave it to the thorston naming factory!

Tuffnut: remember sister, aimlessly flying around is how we get the factory up and running-

The door closes behind them thus muffling their words, eventually their voices are no longer heard to Ragnar. He lays down on his nest and pulls the eggs closer to him with his wings and rest his head in front of them.

Ragnar: A Velkhana and a Namielle huh? Thats what you've been looking after all this time Nala... I wished you had the chance to know. It's up to me now to look after you two and I'll gladly be your father...

Feeling content he falls asleep in peace.

(The beaches of the edge)

From the shoreline, a large figure emerged from the waters and crawled its way onto the beach, it's jet black body slithered across the sands with the support of its arms and legs to push it forward, albeit somewhat sluggishly, it pauses for a moment to look around this new island with it's blood red eyes.

???: quite a big place it seems, great... curse this slow body... maybe some on land stimulation might help out a bit? But before that... yawn  I've been swimming for ages, time for a nap...

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