At the Collymore residence, a Hispanic woman working as a maid is on her knees scrubbing the floor with a wet sponge. The Collymore residence is a nice, comfy house. It had tan walls, a staircase that leads to the second floor of the house, it also had soft and rough carpeting on the steps. A boy came in with an ailen-styled costume as he went quickly went down the stairs. The boy's name is Craig and is the youngest brother to Albert. Albert (not to be confused with the Roblox Youtuber Flamingo, this is a completely different person). Albert was found in a garbage dumpster since his real parents placed him in there. So now he is in the Collymore family. He also had a toy gun in his right hand, he ran pass the maid, went down the short hallway, and straight into the kitchen.
Split is sitting at the dining table in the kitchen. Craig went up to Split fast and he pointed his toy gun and made a "HAA!" sound. It was like those jumpscare videos on YouTube. Split jumped and screamed frightfully for a second. She also put her hands on her ears for a moment as well. Craig pointed the toy gun at Split and it made laser sounds.

Craig: "Die, Aunt Split, DIE!"

The boy quickly runs out of the room. Pilby, the middle sibling of the Collymore family, saw it all.

Pilby: "Craig!"

Pilby tried to go after Craig, so they went out of the kitchen and looked down the short hallway.

Split: "It's okay, Pilby. He's just going through a phase, leave him alone."

Pilby: "I know..."

Pilby heads back into the kitchen.

Split: "It's okay, I'm strong enough."

Split suddenly bursted into tears.

Pilby reached into the kitchen cabinet to get some dishes out.

Pilby: "Ugh, i blame it on cartoons, they are so full of violence. What's with the people that are making cartoons?
That's what you have to--"

Pilby saw that Split is sobbing.

Pilby: "Split?"

Split puts her hand on her forehead as she sobs.

Pilby: "Split, whats the matter?"

Pilby came to the table and sat down on a chair.

Split: (sobbing) "I don't what it is, but i feel there's so much...hostility directed at me..."

Pilby: "Oh honey..." (Pilby puts a hand on Split's back) "Did another guy dump you?"

Split: (still sobbing) "No! I-" (Split sniffed) "Oh, i just feel terrible."

Split took a sip of water from her mug.

Pilby: "Aww sweetie...Craig didn't mean it."

Split puts the mug down.

Split: "No I know, i know, i'm sorry I just..."

Split took a big breath. She also stopped sobbing.

Split: "I'm overworked, that's all."

Pilby: "It's okay."

Split sniffed again.

Pilby: "It's okay, 'cause now maybe you'll listen to me."

Split looked at Pilby.

Split: "What?"

Pilby: "You have got to eat red meat."

Split: "Oh, Pilby..."

Split didn't really liked the idea.

Pilby: "No I knew that's how you'd react, but i'm telling you, it's true! I've been watching you."

Pilby: "Well, my doctor says just once a month."

Split: "I know..."

Pilby: "Really. It's the best thing for the skin it'll clear it right up!"

Split (worried) "What's wrong with my skin?"

Pilby: "Well it's fine now, another few years..."

Pilby: "Please, Split...You know I'm just speaking for your own good."

Split: (looks down for a moment and smiled at Pilby) "I know, i know, thanks."

Split is now smiling.

Split: "I'm so happy."

Pilby: (grateful) "You are?"

Split: "Yeah, i mean being around you and our nephew, and you know, Frank."

Frank is the family dog, he is a German Shepherd.

Pilby: (very grateful) "You really are?"

Split: "Yeah!"

Pilby: "Oh honey! I'm so happy you're happy!"

Pilby sits up and goes to the kitchen.

Pilby: "'Cause all this time I've been thinking you were so miserable."

Split: "Oh Pilby that's too funny when i couldn't be happier."

Pilby: "You know, it's just with your music career-"

Split: "Oh, my career is fine."

Pilby: "Oh, I know. I know, it will be."

Pilby enters another room.

Pilby: "I just know it!"

Pilby: "And then you'll move out of mom and dad's!"

Split: "Real soon."

Pilby walks back into the kitchen.

Pilby: "And you'll meet Mr. Right!"

Split: (smiles) "Oh, i will."

Split: "Already I feel i'm off to a fresh start."

Pilby: "That's right! I mean just because you hit thirty doesn't mean you can't be fresh anymore."

Split: (taking another sip of water) "Mhm!"

Pilby: "You know Split... I've never told you this before. But now that we're older and... I feel so bonded to you." (Pilby turns on the sink water) "Well the truth is..." (Then they turn it off)
"Oh, i know this is gonna sound horrible...But i feel I have to be open with you and just get beyond all the old barriers, and the sibling nonsense." (Pilby brings two plates of food to the table and sits down again) "The truth is I always thought you'd never amount to much, that you would end up alone. Without a career, anything. You know, it's whay we all thought. Mom, dad, Bive, everyone. And i always prayed we'd all be wrong but, somehow you always seemed so... doomed to failure. And now i see that's not true!" (Pilby smiles) "There's a glimmer of hope for you after all!" (Pilby's hand fidgets lightly with Split's hair) "I'm sorry, i'm repeating myself...I'm just really happy for you."

Pilby and Split then hugged.

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