Bive is in her apartment. The sound of a airplane passing by is heard.

Bive: (talking on the phone with Split) "You know people are always putting Washington down."

A buff man is doing weight lifts on Bive's bed.

Bive: "None of my friends can actually believe I live here but that's just because they don't get it. I'm living in the state of irony."

Bive had her legs crossed and has a clipboard on her leg.

Split spoke back to Bive on the phone, she is making a salad.

Split: "Bive, are you sure you don't want to have dinner with me tonight?"

Bive: "Oh, I can't..."

Bive is walking down and goes to a table, it had alot of papers and books on it.

Bive: (while walking to the table) "I'm giving another book-signing at Barnes and Noble," (Bive is picking up a few pieces of paper and a book) "then a guy is taking me out, although i promised another guy."

Bive: (sighs) "I hate Saturday nights, everyone wants me, Split, you have no idea."

Bive goes back to where she previously sat.

Split: (holding a champagne bottle) "Oh I know, it's ju-just that I- I- I wrote a new song, and I thought maybe you'd come over, and I play it for you--"

Bive: "Can you hold on a second? I'm sorry Split, hold on."

Bive has a lit cigarette in her right hand.
She presses a button, causing the phone to beep once.

Bive: "Hello?"

Bive: (talking to someone else on the phone) "Oh! One second, one second."

Bive pressed the button again, it beeped once.

Bive: (talking to Split on the phone) "Split, I'm so sorry, I- I have to take this, it's London. But I'll talk to you soon though. Okay, bye-bye."

Split: "B-bye."

Bive hangs up.

Split puts the phone back.

Split takes a dish with food that is protected by clear foil and goes to the refrigerator. She opens it, puts the dish in and closes the door.
The telephone rings.

Split goes to pick up the phone, then answers it.

Split: "Hello?"

It's...Gnarpy!? Split doesn't even know him!
He sounds nervous.

Gnarpy: "Hi. Um... How are you?"

Split is holding the phone against her shoulder. She puts steak on the frying pan.

Split: "Is this...?"

Split: "Tony?"

Gnarpy: "Yeah!"

Split turns on the stove, she is happy.

Gnarpy: "Yeah uh I- How are- How are you doing?"

Split: "Oh! Fine! Pilby told me you might be calling."

Gnarpy: "Yeah!"

Split: (chuckles) "Well, I know how weird these things can be, but you know I've always had such faith in Pilby's judgment I just thought "Why not?""

Split: "It's not like I have a huge social life, I mean but I do have a social life, but it's not huge."

Gnarpy: "Same here."

Split: (joyful) "Really? That's so nice to hear! I mean most people seem so confident."

Split stabs the steak with a fork.

~deepika.~ (REGRETAVATOR STORY)Where stories live. Discover now