In the ARCET building, there are people in the lobby, about 20 or more. It is a nice large room for a lobby.

Split enters the said lobby, holding a file holder in her arms. She seems nervous as this is her first day here.

Split nervously walks into the room, then she looks out the window to see the same protesters that pelted her with cabbage and other things. Then a person named Glevil walk up behind Split.

Glevil: "It's so sad..."

This made Split jump and gasp slightly.

Glevil: "I mean, really, it's pathetic. Such losers."

Glevil commented about the protesters outside.

Glevil: "Really, I feel sorry for them."

Then two other women talked about the protesters, one of them is sobbing.

Woman 1: "What is it? What happened?"

Woman 2: (sobbing) "They called me a scab!"

Both Split and Glevil looked at the two women.

Woman 1: (comforting the second woman) "'re not a scab. You're a strike breaker!"

Then they hugged.

But then a bell rings, it sounded like the school bell. Time to go to work!

Glevil: "Good luck!"

Glevil then walked away.

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