Iron Panels at the Marylebone Cemetery (Lucy)

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After defeating the malevolent spirit of the glamorous La Belle Dame Sans Merci, I felt all of my spirit leave my body. I have just withdrawn from the adrenaline, and at the same time, a tiny knot formed in my gut as I continually cast a gaze in Lockwood's direction. Casually, he'd return my gaze. All grinning at me, and all unbothered. I was left to return it with a reluctant smile. Right. That'll show him.

My body ached, too. But, give me a cup of tea, and a good night's sleep, and I'll recover in an instant. I don't think I'd be waking up before 10 tomorrow.

The night cab had brought us back to 35 Portland Row. Holly had unlocked the front door, when all of a sudden, Lockwood grabbed my arm. Although it was sore in that spot, Lockwood's hand was light and gentle.

"Do you mind if we popped out for a bit?" He asked, his voice sounded quieter than usual.

"Don't tell me it's another case," I whined.

"No, not another case. It's just me and you," He whispered. "Please, Luce,"

This was the Lockwood Effect. The kind of magic that made Lockwood so irresistible. I could make a bit of poetry by just it if I had the chance. If I were as passionate about research as George is, I'd find out where this phenomenon originated, and all the possible ways to counter it. I hated my lack of repulsiveness whenever it came to this—his special smile, the tone of his voice, the way he made me feel by just putting a hand on me, even just standing next to me and breathing— I can't explain what's stirring inside of me, other than something that's getting me a little sentimental.

"Fine," I let him guide me, hand steady on my arm.

"You know I could tell your dissatisfaction, Luce," he said as we walked. "I know it bothers you, but confidence is part of my allure, darling. What can I say?" He then winks at me. All of the crimson shades of red in the world had painted my pale skin, and I have learned that I could loathe myself more than I already do at the moment. "Are you alright, Lucy?"

"Yeah," Was all that I could croak out.

"Is it because of the...oh, Lucy. There's more than where that one came from," he said, smugger than ever. "Trust me."

"What? No! I—"

"It's fine, Luce, I know. Now, you better get used to it." Now his arm was around me.

"You're really scaring me right now, Lockwood." I was already in tears.

"Poor you, tell me, if I kissed you, would it bring you to lay comatose?" He teased.

"Geez, Lockwood!" I got on to wipe my eyes.

"Oh, now you're truly upset," He reaches to stroke my cheeks, where the tears fell. "Luce, I'm sorry. It's just that I dare to just let it out and I—"

"Stop getting me all dazed and confused, Lockwood. I hate it when you bullshit me just to get what you want!" I shoved him away.

"I'm not bullshitting you, Lucy. I thought it might be the right time to show you what I've been feeling for years now. After the case we handled earlier, I can't let you go thinking there's nothing there—and there is. I'd go to the darkness for you, anytime you ask me to. God, I'd even be a little less reckless if that's what you want of me," he said, and by then he had successfully gotten his arms around me again.

"That's exactly what I want you to do, save yourself, and take care! Is that too difficult for you?" I started sobbing.

"Calm down, we're getting to where I want us to be," He said.

It was a familiar place. He took me here not long ago. A place that started my worries. This damned cemetery.

"You've been such an arse, Lockwood," I hit him in the chest.

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