You Know I'd Die for You pt.1 (Lucy)

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"Oh, fuck." George swore loudly. Lockwood was on his favorite chair. As always, he slumped sideways, with his long, slim legs draped over the arm of the chair. I was sitting across from him on the couch. Holly was sent home a while ago, as she was sick. He and I looked at each other, then at George. "Lockwood, I just broke our digital camera." He said in a tone of annoyance.

"It's alright, George, I was planning to get us a new one." Lockwood flicked a smile. Lockwood never got angry about these things and said it was quite petty to be outraged with mundane events that are totally inevitable. The phone rang, and we all looked in its direction.

"I'll get it," George said,  passively.

"George will not get over this, right away." I said.

"I know, that is why we must buy a replacement today. Or else he'll think I'm silently pissed at him." Lockwood agreed.

George pops in, again. Blank-faced. He rubbed his glasses on the corner of his sweatshirt. "It was my parents," he said. "They'd just asked me to come home. From what it sounded like, it's urgent."

"Oh," Lockwood said, blinking. "Yes, you must."

"What about the cases we have for the next few weeks?" George insisted.

"Lucy and I will handle them," Lockwood replied.

"Come on, George, have a little faith. We'll be careful." I chimed in.

"Alright, I'll leave you my library card. In case you'd actually want to do some research." He sighed, with a sense of defeat. "I'll be packing for a while."

"It's alright, George, don't give it a thought," Lockwood said, encouragingly. When George was out of sight, Lockwood turned to me.

"We still have to get a new camera," he said.

", are you... heading out?" I hesitated.

"Well, yes. I am going out. Care to join me?" He asked, flashing me that distinct grin.

"Yeah, I'd love to." I smiled back, containing the excitement that spread within me.

"George," He came to the foot of the stairs and yelled. "We're heading out for a while. We'll be back shortly!"

"Alright, mate!" George yelled back.

"Come on." He gestured for the door, and I followed him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Some great little shop near here. They sell cameras." He replied.

"How come I don't know about it..." I asked myself.

"Too busy to notice, Luce. Don't feel too bad," He smiled. I didn't think he'd hear me. That made me smile. Turns out, I'm not the only good listener here.

"Oh, right?" I nodded. We took a left turn past Ari's corner shop. "Is it a big shop?"

"Not really. It blends well with the houses, that's why I'm guessing it's hard to notice." He said, looking ahead of us. We continued to stride along the sidewalk. It wasn't particularly cold today. Our normal clothes were fine. "If you're a kid with no total supervision, your adventures can be limitless. See why I know so many places?"

"No wonder," I said. "Did you ever find a place you'd like in particular?"

"All of them are great, really. Though, there's nothing quite like home. 35 Portland Row is my best pick." He runs his hand over to his hair.

"Why?" I asked,

"Because it has you there...and George. My family." He replied. His smile became more genuine than boastful or proud. Something about it seemed sad to me.

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