What If I Lose It? (Lucy)

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[A/N: This is a short one!] 🪻

"I see you still have the necklace." Lockwood peered into the door of the vast attic room. Sun had just come down, and I was getting myself ready to go face-first to one of the many haunted manors. I could keep a long list of haunted houses I've been in. I would have a meter for the varying scare factors they have. I touched the necklace, twirling it between my fingers.

"This necklace once saved my life," I said to him.

"You haven't told me that story before," he said, flashing that thousand mega-watts bright smile he seemed to have just for me.

"Well, once a ghost attacked me, as that's their nature, you know," I smiled back at him. "And I had lost contact with my rapier, so as I was fighting for my life. Looking for an alternative, that's when I realized that the necklace was of silver, and so, I ward the ghost off with it."

"Well, I guess it was right to give it to you. Apart from the fact that you look quite spectacular with it on, Luce." He looked at me with vulnerability showing in his pupils. Like I was a ghost, and he was ghost-locked at the sight of me. Captivated? Most certainly.

"Thank you. And it's no wonder why I can't seem to part from it, at all." I said, and to this, he smiled with a contained burst of energy.

"I love the idea that I could save you without trying," Lockwood said. "Even when I'm not only an arm's length away."

"That's why I keep it close all the time," I said.

"You've never taken it off?" He said a hint of shock was in his voice.

"I have. I don't take it in the shower, well, maybe that's the only time it's been off of me." I replied.

"Well, that's healthy." He then paused for a moment, as if weighing his next words. "What do you say if we add one more?"

"One more of what?" I cocked my head slightly to the side, right in his direction.

"Necklace, I mean." He replied. He struggled to suppress a blush on his cheek.

"Oh, you spoil me," I said in a faux shy manner. My hand hit the air like I found myself laughing at an ironic joke.

"There's all of it to deserve, Lucy." His gaze was soft, he always had this innate talent where your heart would melt for him without him trying. "You haven't lost this one, by far. Anyway, I think our cab will be here anytime soon, are you ready?"

"Yeah, just about to brush my hair, real quick, and I'm done," I said, hurriedly brushing my hair and he watched me.

"I'll be waiting here. There's no point in going down anyway, the main attraction's here." He faced away, chuckling.

"Is it you, or me?" I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Could be the both of us, but you, mainly." He winked.

I put the brush by the little tray by the mirror. "I'm all set, now let's go." I started running. "Race you there!"

"Oh, you bet it!" He started running after me.

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