You Know I'd Die for You pt. 2 (Lockwood)

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"George, we're back!" Lucy called out as we reached the foyer. I had the camera in hand, and Lucy on the other.

"I'm gonna get him," I said, planting a kiss on Lucy's temples, and handing her the camera before stepping into the stairs to go up. George's room is scary, not because it's haunted, but because of the bacteria that live in it. However, I made an effort to at least knock.

"Come in," He replied. I turned the knob and was met with such a mess. Classic George.

"Come downstairs, there's something you should see," I said casually.

"Alright." He puts his folded shirt just above in a pile inside an open luggage and follows me. On the landing, Lucy was grinning, waving the camera at us. "Lockwood, you didn't just—how did find a replacement so quickly?"

"Come, George, we'll take our first picture!" Lucy was still grinning. That made me grin, as well. Lucy led us to the hall. "This is a good spot." I found my place beside her, George on the other side. Lucy was still holding the camera, angling it. "This is hard, I can't seem to get Lockwood in the frame."

"Why don't you let me hold the camera for you, dear?" I asked, holding out a hand.

"Oh—" George's eyes widened in surprise.

"Get used to it," I winked at him.

"You finally did it, didn't you? You asked her out?" George shook Lucy, just as the camera landed on my hand.

"He has, George. Are you okay?" Lucy patted him in the back.

"I'm afraid I might lose it. Finally! The end of pinning! Good God..." He breathed. "This isn't a joke, is it?"

"Of course not, mate," I said. "Now, come on. Give us a smile over here," I faced the camera, and so did they.

"Say cheese!" Lucy said.


Everything feels so complete. Here I am with Lucy and George. Holly might not be present, nor is Kipps, but we can always take another one with them, next time. It's almost complete. And all in all, I am a happy man.

"Lockwood...thank you," George jumped on me for a bear hug.

"Always, George," I said.

Lucy took a picture of us, as she snatched back the camera from me.

"How lovely," She muttered. She realized that I'd heard, and so her smile stretched out. I winked at her. And she blushed and rolled her eyes.

"I'll have to get back. I'm leaving this afternoon." George said, apologetically.

"Don't worry, Lockwood and I will be fine," Lucy reassured him.

"Oh, before I forget, here's my library card," George handed it to me. "For any reference, or just in case. Since none of you philistines go to libraries enough."

"Thanks." I said,

And with that, George had retreated back to his room, grinning and skipping the stairs, leaving Lucy and I in the hall.

"Good camera at a good price," she said. "I didn't think you'd be this quick, Lockwood. You amaze me."

"Well, I know much more things," I said. "Can I have the camera for a bit, I have to do something,"  

"Oh, yes, of course." She laughs as she handed it back.

"Thanks, love." I said, as she was turning away.

"What did you just call me?" She turned swiftly, and I clicked the camera.

"Got you," I whispered. "Yes, love?" I looked at her, and she looked at me.

"Well, it sounds good," She nodded timidly. "I was wondering if you can call me that more often?"

"Absolutely. You know, I would." I was already grinning ear-to-ear.


By mid-afternoon. We got into a cab and sent George off, before we decided to stay in with him for a bit, pay his parent's house a visit. His parents welcomed us, and we had tea and small chats. It turns out that George's grandmother was getting progressively worse, and they're afraid she's dying. They were to set off tomorrow to visit her, and maybe stay there a while.

"Will that be alright, ducks?" George's mom turned to ask me.

"Of course, Mrs. Cubbins! George can take his time." I replied smiling.

Just before curfew, we went home. The car ride home was different than any other. Lucy was not just sitting next to me, but instead, her head was on my shoulder, my arm engulfed her, and our hands were twined.

"Well, Luce, you've just made car rides feel a lot better." I looked at her. She was most admirable in this light. Her features glowed, and everything about her has gotten more beautiful. Well, if it's even possible to get prettier than she already is.

"I really want this, Lockwood. All of it," she said. "You make everything feel better for me, too."

"I belong with you. This is the way life is supposed to be." I said as I kissed her head. "I love you."

"I love you just as much, Lockwood." She buried her head on my chest.

As we reached home, I retreated back to the basement. I made my way to my office table.  It was free of anything as of now. I pinned down the photo I took of Lucy, and now, it doesn't look so empty. My heart sang at the sight of it. Her beautiful face had graced my bland and boring office space.  I feel like dreaming. I can't explain how much I've been wanting to combust into flames whenever I think about her. How I've realized that I am so starved of affection, and love. All of which she provided me everyday since I've met her. She filled the void inside of my soul. I no longer feel hollow. Nothing is arbitrary, for I am finally loved. I have reason. Life has reasons. She is my reason. The one I'd die for. The one I'd live for. My Lucy Joan Carlyle.


"Lockwood, what is this?" Holly pointed out to my desk the following day. I had my tea in my hand. Lucy had gone down the iron staircase, I could hear her footsteps. It was an early morning, and I was in the middle of my breakfast.

"Are you there, love?" She yawned.

"'LOVE'?" Holly exclaimed. Not out of anger, but in utter surprise.

"Well, Holly, it is what it is," I looked towards my table. Lucy was beside me now, one hand on my back, the other pulling my shoulder down. 

"What's that?" Lucy was on a tip-toe. "Lockwood! You didn't have to!" She smacked my arm.

"I wanted to," I smiled. "Look, do you see how pretty you are here?" I pointed out.

"Lockwood..." She hides behind my back.

"You finally did it?" Holly clapped her hands.

"Yes." Lucy murmured on my shirt.

"It's okay, Luce. Nothing to be ashamed of." I turned to hug her. 

"The picture..." She pouted.

"You are beautiful. And the picture makes my desk beautiful, too, okay? It's alright." I pulled her in close. She nodded into the hug. 

"Alright." She said, raising her head. I took my chance, and I kissed her. Right there. With no regard, no anything in mind, just love for her.

Locklyle Reimagined [A Lockwood and Lucy Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now