You Always Do, Don't You? (Lucy)

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[Mostly dialogues!]

"You know, after last night, I think Lockwood should really consider prioritizing research before every case. It's the nth time we've come close to dying just because we always go in blindly." I said after a few minutes of silence while sitting beside George in the living room. Last night was quite eventful if I were totally honest. I don't think we would have survived without our resourcefulness. That's the Lockwood and Co. style. Making do with our adversities, turning them into our success, or our way of surviving, to say the least. "Actually, Lockwood should wait for you to finish your work before he lets us set out."

"That's what I keep telling him. He never takes my opinion for it," George said.

"Yes, he does," I said, in my usual defensive tone. "But, I guess, not in these situations."

"It takes him hard to. He dislikes listening to me," George disagrees. "But he listens to you. He finds it validating to hear what you have to say. Yesterday, he took you aside just to get your opinion on his new coat. Apart from that, he follows what you order him in most of our cases. Let that sink in for a second."

"Well, that's a different instance, George." I reasoned. "He thinks I have a better sense of fashion than you, and no, I don't think he listens to me, either."

"Really? No, it's not just that. He only takes judgment when it's from you, and you know why." He shakes his head. "And yes, he does follow your instructions. Quite carefully and instantly, too."

"There is no meaning to that, and besides, maybe it's just because I'm more optimistic in perceiving things than you are, that's all." I shrugged. "Or maybe because of my psychic abilities, it weighs a heavier merit for him, not that you're not entirely trustworthy, it's just..."

"No, I don't think it's solely because of that, or the psychic ability. I do research, and that's valid enough for anyone. But, go ahead, think again." He motions away.

"But I have no idea—George!" I attempted to call after him, but he proceeded to walk away.

"Hey, Luce?" It was Lockwood calling from upstairs.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"Can you come up here for a second? I need you to come look at something," he says.

"Bet it, quite right." I can hear George say, somewhere in the house.

I walked up the stairs, heading towards Lockwood's bedroom. Feeling a little defeated by George in our silent bet.

"What is it?" I asked him as soon as I entered his door.

"I have a problem," He exhales deeply. "I have two sets of outfits, and I'm not quite sure about the tie and shirt combo. Will you help me?"

"Oh, God, you exaggerate! I thought you were dying when you said you needed help." I nudge his arm. "But go on, show it to me." He goes on excitedly.

"First, I have this new tie and my usual white shirt. I don't think it matches the colour of the coat, but I think it's just me. I might be overthinking it," He holds it up for me to see.

"It's not bad. Just don't get it too much into your head. The colour is alright. I thought it would probably work better with the shirt I got you last Christmas." I remarked.

"I was planning to pair that one up with the tie you got me a few Christmases ago. But do you really think that it would complement the shirt and the coat?" He tilts his head ever so slightly.

"Yes," I replied, putting both of my thumbs up.

"You're the best, Luce!" He prances around and gives me a quick twirl. "I could kiss you!" He seemed to be caught off-guard with what came out of his mouth. I, too, was taken aback.

"Oh, someone slipped," I threw a joke to make the situation seem light-hearted.

"I would kiss you if you'd let me," He blushes while flashing me a toothy grin. Oh, how beautiful those pearly whites!

"Would you now?" I stepped in, closer, moving to corner him with every inch of me. In my face, I try to show the most dauntless and teasing expression, but you know what? I could totally melt in the ground I was standing on.

"Are you asking me to?" He blushes even harder.

"What do you think?" I cup his face. Tilting, and on my tip-toes—I went for it.

His breath was warm and tasted like the tea we drank at breakfast. His lips were slightly chapped, but plump and sweet, met with mine. After a few moments, we break away. Grinning.

"Told you so." He breathes out. Lockwood pulls me into a tight embrace. "Now, I'm running out of reasons for getting you alone in my room."

"Yeah, it seems like your cover's been blown. George has been noticing the privileges you've been giving me lately." I stroke the sides of his face.

"Oh, how so?" His hands were gentle, yet firm around my neck.

"He says you only listen to me and only acknowledge my opinion. I don't believe him, though," I gave out a laugh.

"But he's right. I do listen to you. A lot," he says sweetly.

"So, is that right? You'll take judgment as long as it's coming from me?" He might just be the most handsome boy I've lain my eyes on.

"Of course, Luce," He is so gentle with his tone. "I'm devoted to you like that."

"Oh, Lockwood, you are such a darling," I pressed another kiss to his lips.

"Luce, when you act like this—I feel like I could die." He looked at me so intently.

"You can't die yet, or else you'll never have the chance to wear your gorgeous outfits." I giggled.

"Or get another kiss from you." He agreed, grinning.

"That's right. Now, how am I going to prove George wrong?" I faux-sigh, as though I was disappointed.

"Well, my dear, you can't," He laughed. "We might as well tell him that sooner or later."

"Alright, I accept defeat. Say, do you want to go ahead and practice with our rapiers, just us two?" I ruffled his soft hair.

"Yes, I would love to, my Luce." He then kisses the top of my head. And I've never felt so loved and admired.

Seconds later, we found ourselves racing down the stairs. 

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