You Gave Her a Free Pass (George)

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For some agents, mornings are safe.

Ghosts lose their powers in the sunlight, and there are 12 more or less hours of protection from any horror. But this one, I am not so sure. I am not safe even in the morning. I've seen better days, really. My colleagues might think of me as someone indifferent, since I've kept to myself most times, and rarely show anything but bluntness, or mild passion, and to modestly say, I am sesquipedalian-it is clear in every normal conversation. It is not like I loved to avoid my friends before, but now I have found one reason to.

"Lucy, darling, will you get the door, please?"

That's just one reason.

It's maddening to hear Lockwood say those words. It's not that I am bitter or jealous. It's exactly the opposite. I promise.

Lucy then obeys. She does this all the time. She has never grown the courage to refuse Lockwood and his orders. She says she had tried to, and I think she's failing quite miserably. It's quite amusing to find someone so feisty to be disarmed the way Lockwood weakens Lucy. She denies this. All the time. And he claims that Lucy is just being "understanding," but I, for one, know another reason why.

I try not to pry on them for as much as I can, but I live with them, and it's getting unbearable by the minute. I let them be, whatever they keep telling themselves. Although, on a daily basis, I fight the urge to be a shit-stirrer. There were numerous times when I almost intervened with their pinning. My love and respect for them showed me the line I must not toe.

See why I'm not safe in the morning? I am still haunted by something else, entirely. For as they both go back and forth-I go with them.

"It's just Arif's girl. Sent us doughnuts," Lucy came back with a box in hand.

"Oh, perfect timing." Of course, food made me forget about the anxiety of living every day with Anthony Lockwood and Lucy Carlyle. I knew from the moment they were first in the same room that they would be a force of some sort. This force, strong, I am aware, but never acknowledged, just like a cursed name. Holly Munro walks in, making me feel slightly better. I am not alone in this. Holly has experienced what I experience for the most part. And she doesn't even stay with us full-time. We've talked about it a lot, and it turns out we feel exactly the same.

"How long have they been together?" She asked me back then when she first saw Lucy and Lockwood interact.

"They're not," I replied. It seems like that would have been an understatement. She had turned pale at my reply. "I forgot to warn you about this during the interview, sorry. Lockwood was there, and I really didn't want to say it in front of him."

At the present, Holly and I looked at each other. I shake my head, disappointingly, and she rolls her eyes in Lockwood's direction.

"What was that for?" Lucy asked, perceiving our expressions.

"Well, we're just disappointed that it wasn't a client... that's all." Holly shrugged it off. A bit of nervousness tainted her face.

"You miss working when work is not around," Lockwood sighs, "Oh, how ironic life is."

"Tell me about it," I said. It was always a struggle to have a filtered mouth. I'm not used to denying myself honesty in any way. "You're often ironic, or was it paradoxical?"

"What now, George?" He looked at me in this dumb-founded expression that he always pulls.

"Oh, it's nothing," I whistled.

"It's been weird lately. Has it been, George?" Holly says.

"Quite," I smirked.

"Why?" Lucy and Lockwood asked in chorus.

"Well, planetary transits, and outbreaks of the problem, and other stuff," I am not a fan of astrology, but I needed to say something. Holly gently face-palms.

"What is wrong with you two?" Lucy puts her cheek in her hand.

"Lucy, dear, it's your favourite." Lockwood hands her a saucer with a doughnut in it.

"Thanks, Locky-wood," she said, in a rather shy manner as she received it.

Holly and I looked at each other again. Eyes wide and puzzled.

"Lockwood, you sound like my nan," I said.

"Why?" Sometimes I do get low on patience.

"You go around calling people 'love' and 'darling' like it's Christmas, and Lucy is your favourite granddaughter," I replied.

"Well, what's with that, Lockwood?" Holly chimes in.

"Nothing, absolutely," Lucy quickly replied for him.

"Just shows how much you both are lying," I retorted.

"Well, it's..." Lockwood looked at Lucy, a hint of hesitation.

"Come on, spit it out, will you? It's not like any of us will get mad," I said.

"Well, it is... something..." Lucy said, trying to avoid my eyes and Holly's.

"You know what if anybody here doesn't know anything about you two-it's you two! So, go ahead, just say it!" I slam my hands over the table. Seeing a scribble by my left hand, of Lucy's on the Thinking Cloth, asking Lockwood to fix her tap. "And have you got around fixing that tap, too, Lockwood?"

"Oh, damn! Love, why hadn't you reminded me?" He looked accusatorily at Lucy.

"Well, I'm sorry, I forgot," She rebuts. "You can still work on it later."

"And there you go again. It is so sad and helpless, Lockwood, to deny this because it's far too late," Holly says, and now she sounds angry, and she aggressively bats an eye on them.

"Okay, fine. Fine, we might have started... you know, going out." Lucy replies.

"We're together if that's what you want to hear," Lockwood sighs in defeat.

"So, when's the wedding?" I asked.

"George!" Lucy scolded.

"Not yet, but soon enough." Lockwood grinned a grin that looked like a ray of heaven, so bright you could see God.

"Thank God!" I raised my hand up to the sky. You know, there were days where I wanted to stick my head inside the oven and burn it. I couldn't stand what Lockwood and Lucy were doing. Unblinkingly calling each other all the terms of endearment and staring at the other's eyes, for god knows how long. Countless times did I fight the urge to shake them. Now, I'm glad it's finally over. They can do whatever they want, as long as there are no secrets, without any more elephants in the room. "You know, Lockwood, the name-calling isn't the problem. It's your refusal to acknowledge it, that's all. You know that we knew, right?"

"Well, I thought you didn't!" Lockwood replies.

"I might not look like it, but I am perceptive. Even Holly here knew something was going on with you two when she first started out." I said, tapping Lucy's scribble on the table.

"You just can't come between them. They've got their own thing." Holly agrees.

"So don't worry, we accept you, and you don't have to hide because clearly, everyone can see."


So, I've seen this prompt on Pinterest, I mean, most of my prompts are from Pinterest, and I just think it's a really good idea to begin with. I thought it would be fun to throw this one in. I hope you enjoyed it! And, I would like to say that there will be something different coming after this chapter, and I hope you will wait around and see.

Thank you so much for all of your support!


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